Books Recommended by Jodie Cook
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So Good They Can't Ignore You
Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love
Cal Newport
Source: "I love the focus on being unapologetically exceptional, putting the hours in and outproducing everyone else on your quest to becoming a true artist." - Jodie Cook
4 recommendersDigital Minimalism
Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World
Cal Newport
Source: "[Looks] into lifestyle design and lifestyle habits to ensure that you’re making intentional choices about how you spend your limited time on this planet." - Jodie Cook
2 recommendersWhat I Know For Sure
Oprah Winfrey
Source: "Cutting through the noise and remembering what really matters as a strategy for success and peace in life and work." - Jodie Cook
2 recommendersPerennial Seller
The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts
Ryan Holiday
Source: "Less throwing any old rubbish out there and more testing and refining until you are truly proud of what you have created." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderThe 4-Hour Workweek
Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
Tim Ferriss
Source: "Life and work are reimagined and built back from scratch, in a way optimised for freedom and enjoyment." - Jodie Cook
26 recommendersA.J. JacobsBlake MycoskieCaterina FakeCharles PoliquinDaniel PinkDavid Heinemeier HanssonDerek SiversEric WeinsteinEv WilliamsGary KellerJason SilvaLaura R WalkerMarc AndreessenMarc GoodmanMark BellMaurice AshleyMike Maples, Jr.Mike ShinodaRolf PottsTim DraperTristan HarrisWalter IsaacsonLewis HowesJodie CookBrian DeanMichael HyattThe Courage to Be Disliked
The Japanese Phenomenon That Shows You How to Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happiness
Ichiro Kishimi
Source: "A fascinating look into how Adlerian psychology applies to modern life. Keep an open mind when reading this book." - Jodie Cook
The War of Art
Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
Steven Pressfield
Source: "This book is a sharp reality check for every artist. It will help you become unblocked, right now and possibly forever." - Jodie Cook
Key Person of Influence
The Five-Step Method to Become One of the Most Highly Valued and Highly Paid People in Your Industry
Daniel Priestley
Source: "The KPIs of every industry are reaping most of the benefits and this book explains how you can join them." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderChoose Yourself!
James Altucher
Source: "There’s no reason to wait in line to be picked when you can choose yourself. I love the audacity of this book." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderIt Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work
David Heinemeier Hansson
Source: "A powerful reminder that complications and bureaucracy are a choice. I love the 37 Signals ethos." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderSuperfans
How to Capture Attention, Foster Community and Build the Most Loyal Following You Could Ever Imagine
Pat Flynn
Source: "[Focuses] on the importance of serving an audience really well, however small it might be." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderThe Hard Thing About Hard Things
Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Source: "Reframes your mind: hard doesn’t mean bad. Seeking the easy route is a trap." - Jodie Cook
The 5AM Club
Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.
Robin Sharma
Source: "A coach to billionaires and global humanitarians, [the author] poured his heart and soul into this book." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderThe Art of Impossible
A Peak Performance Primer
Steven Kotler
Source: "This book will not only help you find what you were put here to do, it will set you up well to actually do it." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderHow To Be F*cking Awesome
Dan Meredith
Source: "Effective life advice from an entrepreneur who practices what he preaches." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderTools of Titans
The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers
Tim Ferriss
Source: "Read it with a huge notebook in front of you for all the ideas and actions it will spark!" - Jodie Cook
Can't Hurt Me
Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds
David Goggins
Source: "If David Goggins can run a hundred miles on broken legs, what’s possible for you?!" - Jodie Cook
Tribe of Mentors
Short Life Advice from the Best in the World
Tim Ferriss
Source: "[Brings] incredible mentors right to you, in the comfort of your own home." - Jodie Cook
The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Greg Mckeown
Source: "Do less but do it better. Wise words with application across life and business." - Jodie Cook
A Guide to the Good Life
The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
William B. Irvine
Source: "[Focuses] on continually improving every aspect of your life and work." - Jodie Cook
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
Source: "The most important messages shared in the most beautiful story." - Jodie Cook
Purple Cow
Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
Seth Godin
Source: "A worthwhile reminder that extraordinary companies win." - Jodie Cook
5 recommendersThe Magic of Thinking Big
David J. Schwartz
Source: "The sooner you read [this book] the sooner you will up your game." - Jodie Cook
You'll See It When You Believe It
The Way to Your Personal Transformation
Wayne Dyer
Source: "Will transform your mindset and help you step up a level." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderOn Writing Well
An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction
William Zinsser
Source: "A fascinating exploration of writing for different genres." - Jodie Cook
4 recommendersSuper Attractor
Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams
Gabrielle Bernstein
Source: "Less pushing for progress and more allowing opportunity in." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderAnything You Want
40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur
Derek Sivers
Source: "A perfect reminder that business can be simple." - Jodie Cook
2 recommendersDavid and Goliath
Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
Malcolm Gladwell
Source: "Straight-talking guidance on why life is too short to be little." - Jodie Cook
3 recommendersAwaken the Giant Within
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial
Tony Robbins
Source: "Plenty of actionables to develop a better mindset." - Jodie Cook
The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
Source: "Enthusiasm and knowledge are totally useless without grit." - Jodie Cook
The Everything Store
Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
Brad Stone
Source: "Do you dare run a business like Jeff?!" - Jodie Cook
How Non-Conformists Move the World
Adam Grant
Source: "Gives you permission to be different." - Jodie Cook
101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
Brianna Wiest
Source: "Perfect for millennials with doubts." - Jodie Cook
1 recommenderAtomic Habits
An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear
Source: "I love the simplicity of this book." - Jodie Cook
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