Books Recommended by Matt Mullenweg
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Amusing Ourselves to Death
Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
Neil Postman
Source: "We’re kind of, like the title of the book, amusing ourselves to death. We’re so caught up in distractions and pleasure and entertainment that we might be missing out on the bigger things." - Matt Mullenweg
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Source: "Entertaining more than anything. I read [this book], I was like: I would never work for this guy. But entertaining and some good lessons." - Matt Mullenweg
Daring Greatly
How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
Brené Brown
Source: "[Be] willing to show your own weaknesses and emotions and be vulnerable. I think [this book] talks about this really well." - Matt Mullenweg
Incerto (5 books)
Nassim Taleb
Source: "The man." - Matt Mullenweg
3 recommendersSearch Inside Yourself
The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)
Chade-Meng Tan
Source: "Pretty cool for leaders of companies because it talks about the business benefits of mindfulness." - Matt Mullenweg
3 recommendersOn Writing Well
An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction
William Zinsser
Source: "I love reading about writers and the process of writing." - Matt Mullenweg
4 recommendersBird by Bird
Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Anne Lamott
Source: "I love reading about writers and the process of writing." - Matt Mullenweg
On Writing
Larry W. Phillips
Source: "I got from this [book from 'The Tim Ferriss Show' podcast, actually.]" - Matt Mullenweg
2 recommendersWords That Work
It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear
Frank Luntz
Source: "[The author's] the linguistic head of the Republican Party." - Matt Mullenweg
2 recommendersThe Effective Executive
The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done
Peter F. Drucker
Source: "I recommend [this book] a lot in the company." - Matt Mullenweg
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley
Source: Matt Mullenweg mentioned this book on "The Tim Ferriss Show" podcast.
- 2 recommenders
A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Rebecca Solnit
Source: Matt Mullenweg recommended this book in the "Tools of Titans" book.
2 recommendersThe Art of the Start 2.0
The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything
Guy Kawasaki
Source: Matt Mullenweg recommended this book in the "Tools of Titans" book.
1 recommenderWomen, Fire, and Dangerous Things
What Categories Reveal About the Mind
George Lakoff
Source: "A great seminal work from the 70s." - Matt Mullenweg
1 recommenderHistory of the Peloponnesian War
Source: Matt Mullenweg recommended this book in the "Tools of Titans" book.
3 recommendersThe Halo Effect
... and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers
Phil Rosenzweig
Source: "One of my favorite business books." - Matt Mullenweg
2 recommendersHow Proust Can Change Your Life
Alain de Botton
Source: "I've given [this book] a few times." - Matt Mullenweg
1 recommenderThe Year Without Pants and the Future of Work
Scott Berkun
Source: "Tells the story about how we work." - Matt Mullenweg
1 recommenderInnovation and Entrepreneurship
Peter F. Drucker
Source: "Anything by [this author] is gold." - Matt Mullenweg
3 recommendersHard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Haruki Murakami
Source: "I really liked [this book]." - Matt Mullenweg
1 recommenderZero to One
Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
Peter Thiel
Source: "[This book] was excellent." - Matt Mullenweg
A Fable of Love, Forgiveness, and Following Your Heart
Kamal Ravikant
Source: "Really beautiful book." - Matt Mullenweg
1 recommenderBecoming Wise
An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living
Krista Tippett
Source: "Great book." - Matt Mullenweg
1 recommenderThe Everything Store
Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
Brad Stone
Source: "Excellent book." - Matt Mullenweg
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