Books Recommended by Jay-Z
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Purple Cow
Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable
Seth Godin
Source: "This is straight marketing advice: Your product has to be a purple cow—it has to be distinct to have any success." - Jay-Z
5 recommendersOutliers
The Story of Success
Malcolm Gladwell
Source: "About the principles of timing and repetition—about preparing yourself for luck, really." - Jay-Z
The Odyssey
Source: "This epic poem was kind of difficult for me to get through, but it has a beautiful rhythm." - Jay-Z
The Seat of the Soul
Gary Zukav
Source: "There are two books that I absolutely live my life by. This is one of them." - Jay-Z
3 recommendersNigger
An Autobiography
Dick Gregory
Source: "His sense of humor and the hardships he went through stayed with me." - Jay-Z
1 recommender- 2 recommenders
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