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Mark Dawson Books in Order (43 Book Series)

Blood and RosesA Place to Bury StrangersBlood Moon Rising

Mark Dawson has written a series of 43 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 43 books


    • What is the correct order for Mark Dawson books in order for the author John Milton series?

      To enjoy the thrilling exploits of the character created by author Mark Dawson, the John Milton series books should be read in publication order, which is the correct order, starting with "The Cleaner," followed by "Saint Death," "The Driver," "Ghosts," and so forth. This will ensure the continuity of the storylines and character development is maintained throughout the Milton books series.

    • Can you list the books in order for the Isabella Rose series?

      The Isabella Rose series books by author Mark Dawson features the character Isabella Rose, and it's recommended to read this action-packed book series in the following order: "The Angel," "The Asset," "The Agent," and "The Assassin." This reading order will provide the best experience of the unfolding narrative in the Rose series.

    • Where does the Atticus Priest series fit into Mark Dawson's work?

      The Atticus Priest series is another exciting set of thrillers by author Mark Dawson. The Priest series books are relatively new compared to his other works but have quickly become a favorite among fans of mystery and thriller series. The books should be read in sequence for maximum enjoyment.

    • How do I start reading the Milton books by author Mark Dawson?

      If you're eager to dive into the world of the Milton series, it's best to start with the first book, "The Cleaner," and continue sequentially. The publication order of the milton books series ensures a smooth progression through the main character's life and the evolving plot.

    • For readers new to author Mark Dawson, which series would you suggest they start with?

      Author Mark Dawson is renowned for his gripping thriller series across various genres. New readers may wish to begin with the popular John Milton series, which offers a blend of action, fiction, and suspense set primarily in London, providing a great introduction to Mark's style and writing.

    • How can I find Mark Dawson’s books to read on my Kindle or to get a hardcover copy?

      For readers looking to get their hands on Mark Dawson's books, whether in hardcover or Kindle editions, you can easily find links to purchase these on Amazon through our Most Recommended Books website. We provide convenient access to all his available titles in a well-organized series.

    • Does author Mark Dawson only write books within the thriller and mystery genres?

      While author Mark primarily writes within the thriller and mystery genres, his compelling storytelling also touches on elements of espionage and action. This diverse blend has earned him a broad readership and acclaim in the realm of fiction book series.