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John Milton Books in Order (22 Book Series)

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John Milton is a series of 22 books written by Mark Dawson. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 22 books


    • What is the best way to enjoy the John Milton books in order?

      To maximize your enjoyment of the gripping narratives presented by the author, it's recommended to read the John Milton books in the chronological order in which they were published. This way, you can follow the character development and storyline as intended. Our website provides a convenient menu that lists the books in order so you can easily navigate through the series.

    • Can I find the entire John Milton book series in one place on the menu?

      Absolutely! Our website features the complete John Milton book series with links to each title on Amazon. That way, you can conveniently find all the books of the series and purchase them with ease.

    • How many books are in the John Milton series?

      The John Milton series includes several gripping titles. You can check our website for the most updated number of books in the series, as new ones may have been added since this FAQ was written. We ensure that the series on our site is kept current with the latest releases.

    • I'm new to the John Milton books. Which title should I start with in order to understand the Milton book series?

      If you're new to the Milton books, it's generally best to start with the first book in the series. By starting with the first book, you're able to experience the journey and development of the main character, John Milton, from the beginning.

    • Are there any standalone Milton books or are they all part of a series?

      The Milton books are primarily known as a continuous series. While each book can often be enjoyed on its own, there is an overarching storyline and character progression that is best appreciated when reading the series in order.

    • Is there a difference between the John Milton character and author Mark Dawson's other works?

      Yes, John Milton is a specific character created by author Mark Dawson, and the books that feature him form a series focused on this protagonist's adventures. Mark Dawson has written other books and series, but the Milton series is distinct and has its own dedicated following.

    • How frequently does a new Milton book get released?

      Release frequency can vary; however, author Mark Dawson has been known for his consistent publication of new books in the Milton series. To stay updated on the latest release or any new addition to the series, keep an eye on our website's menu where we feature newly released books and upcoming titles.