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Erle Stanley Gardner Books in Order (146 Book Series)

The Case of the Sulky GirlThe Case of the Velvet ClawsThe Case of the Lucky Legs

Erle Stanley Gardner has written a series of 146 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 146 books
    1. 114
      The Desert is Yours

      The Desert is Yours

      Erle Stanley Gardner

    2. 127
      Drifting Down Delta

      Drifting Down Delta

      Erle Stanley Gardner

    3. 136
      The Human Zero

      The Human Zero

      Erle Stanley Gardner

    4. 139
      Dead Men's Letters

      Dead Men's Letters

      Erle Stanley Gardner
