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Anne Rice Books in Order (38 Book Series)

Beauty's KingdomAngel TimeBeauty's Punishment

Anne Rice has written a series of 38 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 38 books


    • What is the correct series order for Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles books, including all novels in order?

      To enjoy Anne Rice's novels in the intended sequence, you should read Anne Rice's novels in order, starting with "Interview with the Vampire," and proceeding through the series order that includes titles like "The Vampire Lestat" and "The Queen of the Damned," among others. You can find the full list and their avg rating on our site, as this will guide you through the dark and captivating world she created.

    • Where can I find the chronological list of Anne Rice books?

      You can find the complete annerice's books in order by Anne Rice on our website, including all of her series and standalone novels. Simply search for annerice's on our page, and you'll find a detailed list that is consistently updated in line with publication dates and new releases.

    • How can I gift Anne Rice's novels to someone?

      If you're looking to share the world of Anne Rice's books with someone special, you can easily purchase e-gift cards from our site. These cards can be used to buy any Anne Rice books on Amazon, and you can also consider using cards thriftbooks for a different gifting option, making it convenient for the recipient to choose the novels they're interested in, be it in Kindle format, audiobooks, or physical copies.

    • Does Anne Rice’s Lestat series feature any novels outside of the primary Vampire Chronicles?

      Yes, Anne’s character Lestat has novels that branch out from the core Vampire Chronicles series. For instance, "The Vampire Lestat," while a part of the main series, is often distinguished for its detailed backstory on Lestat himself, touching elements from his life in the 18th century and beyond. Fans of Anne Rice will appreciate the depth she brings to her characters in these additional narratives.

    • Are there any audiobook versions available for Anne Rice's series?

      Absolutely! Many of Anne Rice's novels have been adapted into audiobooks. The answer for audiobook enthusiasts is that you can find links to these audiobooks on Amazon through our website, giving readers the chance to immerse themselves in her gothic tales through spoken text, either generated with the engaging AI-generated or human voice that brings the dark ambiance of Anne Rice's world to life.

    • Can I track what I have read from Anne Rice books on your site?

      Our website allows you to keep track of the books you've read, including novels from Anne's Anne Rice's. By creating a user profile, you can mark novels as "read," write reviews, and even get recommendations for which Anne Rice book to delve into next.

    • Does Most Recommended Books provide reader ratings for the Anne Rice novels?

      Yes, alongside the series order and publication info, our site features the avg rating for each of Anne Rice's novels. This can help you decide which of her books to read next or discover how other readers have perceived the novels of the iconic author, giving insight into the world she's built through her writing.