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16 Best Astrology Books of All Time

Our goal: Find the best Astrology books according to the internet (not just one random person's opinion).

    Here's what we did:
  1. Type "best astrology books" into our search engine and study the top 5+ pages.
  2. Add only the books mentioned 2+ times.
  3. Rank the results neatly for you here! 😊
    (It was a lot of work. But hey! That's why we're here, right?)

(Updated 2024)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

Mobile CoverDesktop Cover
  1. 1
    Astrology for the Soul
  2. 4
    The Twelve Houses

    The Twelve Houses

    Howard Sasportas

  3. 6
    The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
  4. 14
  5. 16
    Astrological Insights into Personality


  • What books do you recommend for someone beginning to learn about astrology?

    For those new to astrology, "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need" by Joanna Martine Woolfolk is often described as an essential astrology good books guide. This book provides a solid introduction to understanding your own astrological chart, delves into the significance of each planet and offers insights into personal traits associated with the signs.

  • Are there any good books for understanding astrological transits?

    Yes, "Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living" by Robert Hand is a highly respected book among astrology enthusiasts and considered to be among the essential astrology good books on this subject. It delves into the effects of celestial bodies moving through different signs and houses and their influence on personal and world events—perfect for those wanting to understand how transits impact daily life.

  • Can I find a book by an expert astrologer on your website that might include an analysis on astrology and music?

    Absolutely! We have several books authored by renowned astrologers that explore various topics, including how music and astrology intersect. "Astrology for the Soul" by Jan Spiller is one such book, offering in-depth knowledge from an experienced astrologer on node positions and their impact on your spiritual growth path. Each book on our website includes details about the author's background and expertise.

  • I'm looking for astrology classics. Which ones would you suggest?

    When it comes to astrology classics, "Parker's Astrology" by Julia and Derek Parker is a must-read. It’s considered one of the definitive guides on the subject. "The Inner Sky" by Steven Forrest is another classic that provides an enriching perspective on chart reading. These books are timeless treasures for anyone interested in deepening their astrological knowledge.

  • Are there good books related to astrology that also feature an engaging story?

    If you're looking for a book that combines astrology with a compelling narrative, consider "The Twelve Houses" by Howard Sasportas. This book explores the significance of houses in an individual’s chart, connecting astrological concepts with the story of our everyday experiences and psychological underpinnings.

  • What would make a good gift book on astrology for a friend?

    A fantastic gift for a friend interested in astrology would be "The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart" by Louise Edington. With easy-to-understand language and concepts, it's a great essential astrology book for both beginners and those with intermediate knowledge. Just add the book to your cart and shop, and you're all set to buy it for your friend.

  • How can I find out about deals and new releases in astrology books on Most Recommended Books?

    To stay updated on new releases and special shop deals on astrology books, be sure to press the "Subscribe" button for our newsletter on Most Recommended Books' website. Additionally, you can visit our store section dedicated to astrology, where we regularly feature new and noteworthy titles, including those covering detailed aspects like Pluto’s influences and horoscope interpretations for each sign.

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