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Tessa Dare Books in Order (25 Book Series)

A Lady of PersuasionA Lady by MidnightA Night to Surrender

Tessa Dare has written a series of 25 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 25 books


    • Can I find a list of Tessa Dare books in order on your site?

      Yes, you can find Tessa Dare's books listed in order on our site. We’ve carefully curated the list to help you follow her series accurately and to ensure you do not miss out on any installment in her historical romance chronology.

    • Who is Tessa Dare and why are her books popular on platforms like Goodreads?

      Tessa Dare is an acclaimed author known for her delightful historical romance novels. Her books are popular for their witty dialogue, engaging plots, and vibrant characters. Her ability to blend romance with humor has garnered her a dedicated readership in the historical romance genre.

    • What type of books does Tessa Dare write?

      Tessa Dare writes historical romance novels, which are often set in the Regency era. Her books are loved for their strong heroines, swoon-worthy heroes, and the perfect mix of romance and humor. Tessa Dare's novels are a go-to for readers who enjoy spirited romantic tales with a historical backdrop.

    • Is there a way to stay updated on new books and editions by Tessa Dare?

      Indeed, you can stay informed about new books and editions by Tessa Dare by following her on Goodreads, where ratings and reviews can guide your selection. Additionally, subscribing to Tessa Dare’s newsletter on her official website, tessadare.com, would ensure you receive the latest news directly.

    • How do I know which book to start with if I'm new to Tessa Dare's series?

      If you’re new to Tessa Dare's series, it's best to start with the first book in the desired series to fully enjoy the character development and overarching storylines. Our website provides the series books in chronological order, which makes it easy for readers to identify the starting point.

    • Are there Kindle editions available for Tessa Dare's books?

      Yes, Kindle editions of Tessa Dare’s books are available, which you can easily link to via our website. Reading on Kindle is a convenient way for many readers to carry and read their favorite historical romance tales wherever they go.

    • How does Tessa Dare rate among other historical romance authors in terms of stars and reader feedback?

      Tessa Dare is highly regarded among authors in the historical romance category. Her novels consistently receive high star ratings on Goodreads and are praised for their originality and charm. Tessa Dare continues to captivate readers with each publication and is considered one of the standout authors in her genre, often earning 4 or 5 stars for her work.