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Sword of Truth Books in Order (17 Book Series)

Stone of TearsWizard's First RuleBlood of the Fold

Sword of Truth is a series of 17 books written by Terry Goodkind. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 17 books


    • Can you tell me the Terry Goodkind sword of truth books in order?

      Yes, the sword of truth series by Terry Goodkind should be read in the following order to best understand the storyline and character development: "Wizard's First Rule," "Stone of Tears," "Blood of the Fold," "Temple of the Winds," "Soul of the Fire," "Faith of the Fallen," "The Pillars of Creation," "Naked Empire," "Chainfire," "Phantom," and "Confessor." There are subsequent novels that continue the story, which some fans consider part of an extended series.

    • What is the sword of truth book series about?

      The sword of truth series is a well-renowned fantasy saga written by author Terry Goodkind. The novels explore a richly detailed world filled with magic, conflict, and a fight against oppression, focusing on the protagonist, Richard Cypher, who discovers he is a "Seeker of Truth" and must confront dark forces and moral dilemmas to save his world.

    • How many books are there in the Terry sword of truth series order?

      The primary sword of truth series consists of 11 novels. Beyond those, Goodkind also wrote several more books that take place in the same universe and include some of the original characters. Fans of the series often read these additional novels to extend their experience in the world he created.

    • Are all the Terry Goodkind sword of truth books available for my Kindle?

      Yes, you can find Kindle versions of all the sword of truth books. This makes it convenient for readers who prefer to have their fantasy adventures in digital form. You can add them to your Kindle cart and begin reading almost immediately.

    • Who is the author of the sword of truth series?

      The author of the sword of truth series is Terry Goodkind, an American writer recognized for his extensive work in the fantasy genre. He has gained a significant following due to the popularity of this series and has been a top name in fantasy literature for many years.

    • What should I do to get copies of the Terry sword of truth novels?

      To get copies of the sword of truth novels, simply visit our book lists and add the ones you're interested in to your cart. We provide links directly to Amazon where you can purchase physical or Kindle versions and dive into your reading adventure.

    • Is it essential to read the Goodkind sword of truth series in order?

      It is highly recommended to read the sword of truth series in the intended chronological order to fully grasp the complexities of the plot and character arcs. Skipping ahead in the series or reading out of order could result in missing key events and revelations that are part of the epic tale envisioned by author Terry Goodkind.