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Steve Martini Books in Order (19 Book Series)

Compelling EvidenceThe Simeon ChamberPrime Witness

Steve Martini has written a series of 19 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 19 books


    • Where can I find the full order of Steve Martini books in order?

      You can find the full list of Steve Martini's thriller novels organized by publication order right on our website. This ensures you get the complete story arc, especially if you're interested in the legal adventures of his recurring character Paul Madriani. Esteemed authors like Steve Martini have a dedicated following that appreciate the chronological order of their books.

    • What are some of the most popular novels book in order by Steve Martini?

      Steve Martini's popular novels, particularly those featuring the tenacious defense attorney Paul Madriani, are best enjoyed in order. To start, "Compelling Evidence" is the book that introduces Madriani and sets the stage for the series of high-stakes legal battles and murder cases he gets involved with.

    • Can you provide a list of all Steve Martini books with a focus on his writing style and keeping the books in order?

      Absolutely! We offer a comprehensive list of Steve Martini's books, including stand-alone novels and the ones featuring Paul Madriani. Every book is linked to its Kindle version on Amazon, so you can easily dive into Martini's gripping writing style.

    • Who is the author behind the Paul Madriani series?

      The author of the acclaimed Paul Madriani series is Steve Martini, a former journalist turned novelist whose expertise in the legal field infuses his books with thrilling realism and intricate plot lines. His mastery of legal thriller writing has placed him among the most respected authors in the genre.

    • I've just finished a Steve Martini book and want more. Which novel should I read next in order to continue the journey?

      If you've just finished a Steve Martini novel and are eager for the next thrilling read, just refer to our curated order list. Each book in the Paul Madriani series follows a chronological order, leading to a more enriching experience as you witness the evolution of characters and storylines.

    • Are there any stand-alone Steve Martini books outside of the series?

      Yes, in addition to his famous Paul Madriani novels, Steve Martini has authored stand-alone books as well. You can find these alternate stories, without the reoccurring characters from the series, in our extensive collection of Martini's writing.

    • How do I know which Steve Martini novels are part of the Paul Madriani series?

      To identify which novels belong to the Paul Madriani series, look for the list on our website that specifically mentions Paul as the central character. This will help you differentiate them from Martini's other books and ensure you enjoy the Madriani series in the intended order.