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Steve Berry Books in Order (31 Book Series)

The 14th ColonyPast PrologueThe Alexandria Link

Steve Berry is a series of 31 books written by 2 authors. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 31 books


    • What is the correct order for the Steve Berry books in the Cotton Malone series?

      To enjoy Steve Berry's books in the sequence he intended, you should start with "The Templar Legacy" as the first novel in the Cotton Malone series. Following the published order gives readers a better grasp on the character development and plot progression. Steve Berry's website has a detailed list, or you can find the series order conveniently linked to Kindle editions on our website for your reading enjoyment. Adding to the charm, fans have noted patterns that James, a secondary but memorable character, seems to embody throughout the series.

    • I'm new to Steve Berry's books. Where should I start with his novels?

      If you are new to Steve Berry's works, his Cotton Malone novels are a great starting point for exploring his mystery thriller genre. "The Templar Legacy" is the first in this series, introducing readers to the adventures of Berry's compelling protagonist, Cotton Malone. The novels can be read in order or as standalone stories, but for full appreciation of the character arcs, starting from the beginning is recommended.

    • Can you tell me more about Steve Berry's writing style and how it feels to read his books in December?

      Steve Berry's writing style is marked by his detailed research and fast-paced narratives that blend historical intrigue with modern-day suspense. His novels often feature complex plots with twists and turns that keep readers engaged times over. If you enjoy a thriller that weaves factual historical elements with fiction, then Berry's books are sure to captivate you. And there's something special about delving into a Steve Berry thriller in December when the winter season offers the perfect backdrop for a cozy reading session.

    • Where can I find Berry's full list of thriller novels?

      Berry's full list of novels, including his famous Cotton Malone series and standalone books, can be found on our Most Recommended Books website. We understand how important it is to have the latest editions and formats available for our readers, whether it’s a physical copy or a Kindle version for those who prefer digital reading.

    • How many books are in the Cotton Malone series by Steve Berry?

      The Cotton Malone series boasts a growing number of thriller novels, with new installments being added as author Steve Berry continues writing the saga of his protagonist, Malone. To find the exact number of books currently in the series and ensure you have the most recent editions, check our website where you can review and read them in the correct order.

    • Is it important to read the Steve Berry books in order, especially the Cotton Malone series?

      While each Cotton Malone book can stand on its own as an exciting thriller, reading them in order allows a deeper understanding of character development and overarching plot lines. This series follows ex-Justice Department agent, Cotton Malone, through various historical and international mysteries, and the chronological narrative adds layers to the reading experience.

    • What makes Steve Berry a standout author in the thriller genre?

      Steve Berry stands out for his meticulous research and the seamless integration of historical facts with thrilling suspense. His protagonist, Cotton Malone, often finds himself entangled in puzzles that span centuries, firmly rooting Berry's novels in the tradition of the mystery thriller genre. His adeptness at crafting engaging stories has earned him a loyal following and made him an author to revisit, especially in the month of December, when curling up with a good book is particularly delightful.