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Rebecca Tope Books in Order (45 Book Series)

Dark UndertakingsA Dirty DeathDeath of a Friend

Rebecca Tope has written a series of 45 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 45 books


    • What is the correct order for reading Rebecca Tope novels, including rebecca tope books in order?

      Rebecca Tope is an author known for her series of cozy mystery novels. The correct order to read her books, particularly for the Thea Osborne series, starts with "A Cotswold Killing" followed by "A Cotswold Ordeal," and continues sequentially with the rest of the series. Regarding her other series featuring Simmy Brown, you should start with "The Windermere Witness." To find the complete list in order, a simple search on our website will guide you to the right sequence for her novels.

    • Can I find all Rebecca Tope cozy mystery books available on kindle?

      Yes, you can find Rebecca Tope's novels available in Kindle format. When you're looking to buy a book, simply click on the link to Amazon provided on our website, and choose the Kindle version before making your purchase. You’ll also be able to check the price and other formats that may be available.

    • Where can I shop for Rebecca Tope books at the best price?

      To shop for Rebecca Tope books at the best price, we recommend that you use the links on our website to navigate to Amazon. They frequently offer competitive pricing and deals on both new and used books, so you're likely to find a price that suits your budget.

    • Who is Rebecca Tope and what genres does she write?

      Rebecca Tope is an author who predominantly writes cozy mystery novels. Her work often involves intriguing plots woven around rural English settings, with her most notable characters being Thea Osborne and Simmy Brown. Cozy mystery enthusiasts frequently praise her for creating immersive and charming atmospheres in her fiction.

    • Are there any other contemporary cozy mystery authors similar to Rebecca Tope that you would recommend?

      As a website that concentrates on book recommendations, we suggest authors who write cozy mysteries that have a similar style to Rebecca Tope. While we focus on Tope's works, a search on our site can help you discover other authors within the same genre who are appreciated for their engaging and comforting stories.

    • I'm interested in starting with Thea Osborne series. Which book should I look for first?

      If you're interested in diving into Rebecca Tope's Thea Osborne series, the first book you should look for is "A Cotswold Killing". It introduces you to the character Thea Osborne, a house-sitter who finds herself involved in various mysteries in the English countryside.

    • How often does Rebecca Tope release new books?

      Rebecca Tope, like many prolific authors, tends to publish new novels reasonably frequently. The release of new books can vary from author to author, but Tope has been known to publish new titles in her series on an annual basis. Stay tuned to our website and keep an eye out for announcements regarding her latest releases to ensure you don't miss out on any new additions to her cozy mystery series.