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John Rain Books in Order (14 Book Series)

A Lonely ResurrectionA Clean Kill in TokyoChaos Kind

John Rain is a series of 14 books written by Barry Eisler. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 14 books


    • Can you list the John Rain books in order by Barry Eisler?

      Certainly! The John Rain series should be read in publication order to follow the assassin's story as the author intended. Here's the sequence of novels: "A Clean Kill in Tokyo," "A Lonely Resurrection," "Winner Take All," "Redemption Games," "Extremis," "The Killer Ascendant," "The Detachment," "Graveyard of Memories," "Zero Sum," and "The Last Refuge."

    • What is the John Rain series about?

      The John Rain series by Barry Eisler is a top-notch collection of novels blending elements of mystery, romance, and international intrigue. It centers on John Rain, a skilled assassin with a specialty in making deaths look natural, often in Japanese settings. The series dives deep into Rain's complex character and his excursions into the world of espionage.

    • Who is the author behind the John Rain books?

      The John Rain books are penned by talent author Barry Eisler. Eisler is known for his detailed and well-researched fiction that provides an in-depth look at the world of covert operations through the eyes of his main character, John Rain.

    • In which book did the character of John Rain first appear?

      John Rain first appeared in the novel "A Clean Kill in Tokyo," which started the John Rain series by Eisler. This book sets the stage for the complex life of the assassin and is the recommended starting point for readers new to the series.

    • Is it necessary to read the John Rain series in publication order?

      Yes, for the best experience of the unfolding narrative of the main character, it's highly recommended to read the john rain series in publication order. This ensures you follow the development and evolution of the assassin's story as it was intended by the author.

    • Can you tell me more about Barry Eisler, the creator of john rain?

      Barry Eisler is the author of the John Rain series. Before becoming a full-time writer, Eisler had diversified experiences, including a stint with the CIA which adds authenticity to his writing. His books are rich in detail, offering a mix of action, deep character exploration, and the complexities of international espionage.

    • Where can I find the john rain books to start reading?

      You can easily find all of the books in the John Rain series linked on our site through Amazon. Start with "A Clean Kill in Tokyo" and proceed in publication order for a riveting reading journey into the life of an intriguing assassin navigating a world of fiction, thrills, and adventure.