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Eddie Flynn Books in Order (6 Book Series)

The PleaThe DefenceThe Liar

Eddie Flynn is a series of 6 books written by Steve Cavanagh. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 6 books


    • What is the order of the eddie flynn novels in order, including the eddie flynn books in order?

      The eddie flynn series starts with "The Defense" in both print books and eBooks, followed by "The Plea", "The Liar", "Thirteen", "Fifty-Fifty", "The Devil's Advocate", and "The Accomplice". It is recommended to read the eddie flynn novels in order to best understand character development and storyline continuity.

    • Can you list the eddie flynn series order for me, including all eddie titles?

      Certainly! The eddie flynn series order for these captivating print books is as follows: 1. "The Defense", 2. "The Plea", 3. "The Liar", 4. "Thirteen", 5. "Fifty-Fifty", 6. "The Devil's Advocate", and the latest, 7. "The Accomplice". Fans of legal thrillers will enjoy the gripping storytelling by the author Steve Cavanagh.

    • Where can I start with the eddie flynn book series in order?

      To start the eddie flynn book series, you should pick up the debut novel "The Defense". From there, continue with the subsequent titles as listed previously to keep up with Eddie's intense legal battles and personal journey.

    • How does the eddie flynn series differ from other legal thrillers in the book series genre?

      The eddie flynn series merges high-stakes courtroom drama with fast-paced action, making it unique in the genre. Author Steve Cavanagh crafts intricate plots with a mix of suspense and legal intricacies, which keeps readers engaged and eager to read the next book in the series.

    • What makes eddie flynn books so engaging to read among other book series?

      Eddie flynn books delve into the mind of a conman-turned-lawyer and the complexities of law, providing a fresh perspective on legal thrillers. The series' clever twists and high tension make them captivating reads that are hard to put down, solidifying their reputation as outstanding books in the legal thriller genre.

    • Can I find eddie flynn book titles available on Kindle, among other print books?

      Yes, all of the eddie flynn novels are available on Kindle as well as in print books. You can add these enthralling legal dramas to your virtual library and enjoy reading them on your preferred digital device.

    • Who is the author behind the eddie flynn series, and can you tell me more about Steve Cavanagh?

      The author of the highly-acclaimed eddie flynn series is Steve Cavanagh. He combines his knowledge of law with his talent for storytelling to create an unforgettable book series brimming with suspense and legal intrigue. Cavanagh's expertise in crafting compelling characters and plots sets him apart in the field of legal thrillers.