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Deborah Harkness Books in Order (8 Book Series)

John Dee's Conversations with AngelsA Discovery of WitchesShadow of Night

Deborah Harkness has written a series of 8 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 8 books


    • What is the correct order for deborah harkness books in order?

      If you're looking to dive into the enchanting world of witches and vampires, the Deborah Harkness books should be read in the following order: "A Discovery of Witches," "Shadow of Night," and "The Book of Life." These make up the All Souls Trilogy where you'll follow the witch Diana Bishop and vampire Matthew Clairmont in a thrilling tale of witches book, magic, romance, and historical fiction.

    • Can I start with any deborah harkness books or should there be a sequence?

      To fully grasp the intricate plot and character development woven by the author, it's advisable to start with “A Discovery of Witches” and proceed in the sequence intended by Deborah Harkness. The series discovery of characters like the witch Diana and vampire Matthew unfolds progressively, and reading read out of order may lead to spoilers and confusion.

    • Are all harkness books part of a series or are there standalones too?

      The most popular Harkness books are part of the All Souls Trilogy. Following the trilogy, there is also a standalone sequel known as "Time's Convert" that focuses on the character of Marcus, Matthew's vampire son. This novel can be read after completing the trilogy to further explore the All Souls universe.

    • Who is the main character in author deborah harkness's novels?

      The main character in Deborah Harkness's novels is Diana Bishop, a reluctant witch who stumbles upon a bewitched manuscript in Oxford's Bodleian Library, thrusting her into a world of magic and danger alongside vampire Matthew Clairmont. Their story is a mesmerizing blend of fantasy, romance, and historical thriller.

    • What genre do deborah harkness's books belong to?

      Deborah Harkness’s books are a captivating mix of fantasy, historical fiction, and romance. They take readers on an enchanting journey with elements of witch book thrillers wrapped around the magical and supernatural lives of witches and vampires.

    • How can I add deborah harkness's latest book to my reading read list?

      To add Deborah Harkness’s latest book to your reading read list, simply visit our website at Most Recommended Books. Look for her most recent release and click on the link provided to shop for the book on Amazon. You'll be able to see the details, read reviews, and purchase it directly from there.

    • Where can I sign up for updates on new releases from author harkness?

      You can sign up for updates on new releases and other news related to Deborah Harkness and her novels right on Most Recommended Books. Just look for the sign-up section on our website and add your email to stay informed on the latest Harkness book additions.