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Terry Pratchett Books in Order (104 Book Series)

A Slip of the KeyboardA Hat Full of SkyA Tourist Guide To Lancre

Terry Pratchett has written a series of 104 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 104 books
    1. 3


      Terry Pratchett

    2. 16
      Good Omens

      Good Omens

      Terry Pratchett

    3. 42
      Death's Domain

      Death's Domain

      Terry Pratchett

    4. 73


      Terry Pratchett

    5. 78


      Terry Pratchett



    • What is the proper Terry Pratchett books in order to read?

      To enjoy the works of author Terry Pratchett as intended, it's best to start with his Discworld series, which begins with "The Color of Magic." Continue reading in order of publication to fully experience the evolution of this fantastic universe.

    • Can I find a list of Discworld books in order on Most Recommended Books?

      Yes, our website provides a comprehensive list of Discworld books, organized by publication order. This list helps readers dive into Terry Pratchett's rich fantasy fiction in a sequence that follows the development of characters and plots throughout the series.

    • If I'm new to Pratchett's work, which novels in order should I start with?

      If you're new to Terry Pratchett's novels, it's advisable to start with "The Color of Magic," the first book in the Discworld series. From there, you can follow the series in publication order, which allows you to experience the growth of the Discworld universe.

    • Where does the Discworld series fit among different fiction genres?

      The Discworld series comfortably sits within the fantasy fiction genres, blending elements of satire, comedy, and whimsy to create a unique reading experience. Pratchett's novels offer a humorous take on real-world subjects through the lens of a fantastical universe.

    • Are there guidebooks that can help me navigate through the Discworld books?

      Guidebooks such as "The Discworld Companion" by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs can be immensely helpful. They provide backstories, character descriptions, and additional insights to enhance your reading of the Discworld series.

    • How can I find Terry Pratchett's books to read on my Kindle?

      Terry Pratchett's novels are available for Kindle devices and can be linked through our Most Recommended Books website. Simple searches will guide you to the Amazon pages where you can purchase and start reading them on your Kindle.

    • Is there a recommended order for reading Terry Pratchett's series outside of the Discworld books in order?

      While the Discworld books are Terry Pratchett's most renowned works, he wrote in various other genres as well. Though there is not a strict order for his other series, reading by publication date can offer insights into the development of his writing outside the Discworld universe.