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Cora Reilly Books in Order (25 Book Series)

Bound by DutyBound By BloodBound by Hatred

Cora Reilly has written a series of 25 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 25 books


    • What is the correct mafia series order for Cora Reilly's books?

      The correct order for Cora Reilly's book series, particularly her Mafia-themed romance novels, can be found in the series section for each respective family saga on our website. This includes the overwhelmingly popular Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles and the Camorra Chronicles, among others. Specifically, the Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles begins with "Bound by Honor," following the arranged marriage between Aria Scuderi and Luca Vitiello. For the best reading experience, we recommend following the series order as the author intended to grasp the full evolution of family dynamics and romantic relationships. Moreover, fans of the Falcone family will find their story thoroughly outlined in the suggested reading order.

    • Are Cora Reilly's novels available for Kindle?

      Yes, Cora Reilly's novels are widely available for Kindle on Amazon. Our website provides direct links to the Kindle versions of each book in her series. You can conveniently click through to purchase and download them to read on your Kindle device or app. In addition, readers looking for Dante Cavallaro's story will find that her Kindle novels delve deep into his character.

    • Can I find summaries and corareillyauthor ratings for Cora Reilly's books?

      Absolutely, for each of Cora Reilly's books, you can find detailed summaries and ratings on our website. Additionally, as a noted Goodreads author, her books' ratings and reviews can also be viewed on Goodreads, which is a valuable resource for readers looking for community opinions and discussions about her novels.

    • What kind of themes do Cora Reilly's novels explore?

      Cora Reilly's novels predominantly explore themes of Mafia romance, featuring intense and often complex relationships between characters deeply embedded in Mafia life. The romance in her novels unfolds amidst the backdrop of family loyalty, power struggles, and the underworld of organized crime. This unique blend of romance and crime fiction provides a thrilling experience for readers. Dante Cavallaro's storyline, for instance, digs deep into these gripping Mafia themes.

    • What is Cora Reilly's most famous goodreads book or couple?

      Cora Reilly's most famous book to date from her Mafia series is "Bound by Honor," which chronicles the marriage between Aria and Luca Vitiello. This particular couple stands out due to their powerful dynamic and the unique circumstances that bring them together, making them a favorite amongst readers who appreciate a strong blend of Mafia-themed tension and romance. Further to their story, the novel has received numerous positive reviews on Goodreads and is often discussed in reader circles.

    • What kind of readers would enjoy Cora Reilly's Mafia chronicles books?

      Readers who take pleasure in thrilling Mafia narratives intertwined with passionate romance will undoubtedly enjoy Cora Reilly's Mafia Chronicles books. The series offers a gripping look into the dynamics within Mafia families while focusing on the relationships and love stories that emerge under such extraordinary circumstances. Fans of romance novels looking for a darker, more intense storyline would find these books particularly captivating, especially those following the Falcone family members like in "Luca Vitiello."

    • How can I keep track of new releases from Cora Reilly?

      To keep up with Cora Reilly's latest books and series, you can follow her official social media profile, @corareillyauthor, where she often announces new releases and provides updates. Furthermore, our website stays current with author releases and will link to the newest books on Amazon as soon as they become available. This way, fans won't miss any updates on her latest works.