Books Recommended by Niall Ferguson
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The Buried Giant
A Novel
Kazuo Ishiguro
Source: "I am more enthralled than I have been by a book in a long time. Profound meditation on memory." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderThe Unraveling
High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq
Emma Sky
Source: "A book every American and Briton needs to read, by a woman braver than nearly all of us." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderThe Economic Weapon
The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War
Nicholas Mulder
Source: "This certainly seems like the history book we should all be reading." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderThe Square and the Tower
Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to Facebook
Niall Ferguson
Source: "The book sought to introduce network science to readers of history." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderBlueprint
The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society
Nicholas A. Christakis
Source: "I cannot recommend too highly [this] book." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderPlanning Armageddon
British Economic Warfare and the First World War
Nicholas A. Lambert
Source: "I highly recommend [this book]." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderThe War Lords and the Gallipoli Disaster
How Globalized Trade Led Britain to Its Worst Defeat of the First World War (Oxford Studies in International History)
Nicholas A. Lambert
Source: "I highly recommend [this book]." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderA Farewell to Alms
A Brief Economic History of the World
Gregory Clark
Source: "I highly recommend." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommenderThe Son Also Rises
Surnames and the History of Social Mobility (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World, 49)
Gregory Clark
Source: "I highly recommend." - Niall Ferguson
1 recommender
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