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22 Best Grimdark Fantasy Books of All Time

Our goal: Find the best Grimdark Fantasy books according to the internet (not just one random person's opinion).

    Here's what we did:
  1. Type "best grimdark fantasy books" into our search engine and study the top 5+ pages.
  2. Add only the books mentioned 2+ times.
  3. Rank the results neatly for you here! 😊
    (It was a lot of work. But hey! That's why we're here, right?)

(Updated 2024)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

Mobile CoverDesktop Cover
    The Blade Itself
  2. 2
    Prince of Thorns
  3. 3
    The Lies of Locke Lamora
  4. 4
    A Game of Thrones
  5. 5
    The Poppy War
  6. 8
    Night Watch
  7. 11
    Promise of Blood
  8. 15
    Black Sun Rising

    Black Sun Rising

    C.S. Friedman

  9. 18
    Low Town

    Low Town

    A Novel

    Daniel Polansky

  10. 19
    Beyond Redemption

    Beyond Redemption

    Michael R. Fletcher

  11. 21


  • What makes a novel qualify as a grimdark novel?

    A grimdark novel typically involves a setting that is markedly dystopian or amoral, often featuring a harsh, unforgiving world. These stories usually focus on the darker aspects of human nature, including complex characters who often face morally grey situations. The tone tends to be gritty and realistic, embracing the more brutal aspects of life within its narrative.

  • How can I find the most highly-rated grimdark novels?

    For those looking to explore highly-rated grimdark novels, it's best to check out community reviews on book platforms. Reviews often give insight into how well a book was received by readers and its quality. On our website, Most Recommended Books, we consolidate reviews to recommend novels that have earned a high number of stars, making it easier for readers to decide what might resonate with their tastes.

  • Where can I buy recommended grimdark novels?

    If you're looking to buy grimdark novels that come highly recommended, you can find them through our website, Most Recommended Books. While we do not sell books directly, we provide links for each recommended book to their Amazon page where you can purchase them with ease.

  • Are there any grimdark novels suitable for young readers?

    Grimdark novels are usually intended for a mature audience due to their brutal and dark content. However, there might be fantasy books with similar elements that are crafted for a young audience, featuring younger protagonists and somewhat less intense conflicts. These can serve as an introduction for young readers to the complex themes found in grimdark stories.

  • Can I suggest a grimdark novel to be included on your shelf?

    Absolutely! We welcome recommendations from our readers. If you've read a grimdark novel that you think deserves to be on our shelf, simply send us the review and the reasoning behind your suggestion. We'll take a look and consider adding it to our list if it fits our criteria.

  • Do grimdark novels span across multiple books or can they be standalone stories?

    Both options are common in the world of grimdark literature. Some authors create expansive series with intricate world-building and settings spanning multiple books, while others craft standalone novels that delve deeply into their complex themes. On our website, you will find recommendations for both series and standalone works.

  • How can I keep track of new grimdark novels as they are published?

    To stay updated on the latest grimdark novels that have been published, you should check literary news, follow your favorite authors, and join book forums that focus on the grimdark genre. It's also a good practice to regularly review our updated recommendations on Most Recommended Books, where we highlight new titles that have captured the readers' and critics' attention.

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