Books Recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil
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Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love
Robert A. Johnson
Source: "A very short, easily read book about the traps that people get themselves into in romantic relationships." - Dr. Andrew Weil
2 recommendersThe Way of Life, According to Laotzu
Witter Bynner
Source: "I find those verses which were the sole output of this philosopher to be remarkably right on." - Dr. Andrew Weil
3 recommendersBeing with Dying
Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death
Joan Halifax
Source: "Draws from a lifetime of remarkable work with people at the end of life." - Dr. Andrew Weil
2 recommendersHallucinogenic Plants
A Golden Guide
Richard Evans Schultes
Source: "A little golden guide of hallucinogenic plants. If you can find a copy of it, it’s amazing." - Dr. Andrew Weil
1 recommenderWhat Doesn't Kill Us
How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, and Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength
Scott Carney
Source: "Recommended reading for everyone interested in human potentials." - Dr. Andrew Weil
4 recommendersThe End of Faith
Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
Sam Harris
Source: "One of the books that I have commonly given out to people." - Dr. Andrew Weil
2 recommendersThe Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell
Aldous Huxley
Source: "Came first [in terms of my interests]." - Dr. Andrew Weil
4 recommenders
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