Books Recommended by Tom Holland
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The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe
Sarah Churchwell
Source: "The best book on a celebrity - indeed, on celebrity - that I think I have ever read." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderMagnificent Rebels
The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self
Andrea Wulf
Source: "This is simultaneously a brilliant study of the origin of subjectivity & selfie-sticks, & a wonderful soap opera." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderThe Command of the Ocean
A Naval History of Britain, 1649-1815
N. A. M. Rodger
Source: "A wonderful book: panoramic, eye-opening & often very funny. I’ve learned so much…" - Tom Holland
1 recommenderBeef And Liberty
Roast Beef, John Bull and the English Patriots
Ben Rogers
Source: "A brilliant book, which I commend to all with a love of beef, or liberty, or both." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderEmpire of Booze
British History Through the Bottom of a Glass
Henry Jeffreys
Source: "You will not read a more entertaining book on alcohol than [this book]." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderThe Japanese
A History in Twenty Lives
Christopher Harding
Source: "Covers the full sweep of this most fascinating of countries. It's a wonderful book!" - Tom Holland
1 recommenderThe Burgundians
A Vanished Empire
Bart Van Loo
Source: "Insanely enjoyable book on the rise & fall of the Dukes of Burgundy." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderThe Golden Mole
Katherine Rundell
Source: "Beautiful but sad book on the wonders of the living world." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderI Judge No One
A Political Life of Jesus
David Lloyd Dusenbury
Source: "I loved this book." - Tom Holland
1 recommenderDress in the Age of Jane Austen
Regency Fashion
Hilary Davidson
Source: "Wonderful book." - Tom Holland
1 recommender
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