Books Recommended by Steve Jurvetson
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The Age of Spiritual Machines
When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
Ray Kurzweil
Source: "I have been maintaining [a graph from this book] ever since I read [this book], and I show it in every presentation I give. [...] I would go further and assert that this is the most important graph ever conceived." - Steve Jurvetson
1 recommenderA New Kind of Science
Stephen Wolfram
Source: "A series of epiphanies from [the author] and others that the world is really interesting when you look at iterative algorithms applied millions and billions of times." - Steve Jurvetson
2 recommendersAbundance
The Future Is Better Than You Think
Peter Diamandis
Source: "Writes about [how] everything is great because physical things are so inexpensive that even the poorest of the poor could live like kings of just a few years prior." - Steve Jurvetson
4 recommendersOut Of Control
The New Biology Of Machines, Social Systems, And The Economic World
Kevin Kelly
Source: "The single book that’s had the most influence on me my entire life. [...] It started my life long fascination of the biological metaphors in technology." - Steve Jurvetson
2 recommendersThe Fabric of Reality
The Science of Parallel Universes--and Its Implications
David Deutsch
Source: "Realized that a quantum computer would be fundamentally unlike anything we have in this world today." - Steve Jurvetson
3 recommendersReady Player One
Ernest Cline
Source: "A gift to all of my Apple II programming buddies from high school and Dungeons & Dragons comrades." - Steve Jurvetson
The Scientist in the Crib
What Early Learning Tells Us About the Mind
Alison Gopnik
Source: "The only thing I did to prepare for being a parent was to read [this book]." - Steve Jurvetson
1 recommenderGödel, Escher, Bach
An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter
Source: Steve Jurvetson mentioned this book on "The Tim Ferriss Show" podcast.
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