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Scott Turow Books in Order (16 Book Series)

IdenticalGuilty as ChargedInnocent

Scott Turow has written a series of 16 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 16 books


    • Can you list all scott turow books in the series in order?

      Absolutely. Scott Turow's books, particularly those set in Kindle County, are interlinked through characters and settings but they can also stand alone. For fans looking to read the Scott Turow books in the Kindle County county legal thriller series in order, here is the list starting with the earliest: "Presumed Innocent" (1987), "The Burden of Proof" (1990), "Pleading Guilty" (1993), "The Laws of Our Fathers" (1996), "Personal Injuries" (1999), "Reversible Errors" (2002), "Limitations" (2006), "Innocent" (2010), "Identical" (2013), "Testimony" (2017), and "The Last Trial" (2020). Add to that "Ordinary Heroes" (2005) and "Testimony" (2017), which, although not part of the Kindle County series, are integral to Turow's body of work.

    • I am new to scott turow's books, where should I start in the county?

      For new readers of Scott Turow's work, it's often recommended to start with "Presumed Innocent," as it is not only the first book that introduces the Kindle County legal thriller theme but is also one of his most acclaimed works. This novel provides a solid foundation for understanding the recurring themes and characters that populate Turow's novels, and sets the stage for the compelling legal mystery stories that follow, rife with the American mystery element that Turow so skillfully weaves into his narratives.

    • What genres does author scott turow write?

      Author Scott Turow primarily writes in the legal thriller and American mystery stories genres. His novels are known for their deep exploration of the legal system as well as their intricate and suspenseful plots filled with mystery. As an experienced attorney and one of the leading authors in the legal thriller genre, Turow brings a level of realism and detail to his kindle county legal narratives that few other writers can match, making his books a staple for fans of the legal thriller genre.

    • Who is the central character in scott turow books set in Kindle County?

      Scott Turow creates a host of intriguing characters for his Kindle County county legal series, but there isn't a single central character throughout the series. Instead, various books feature different protagonists, many of whom are linked professionally or personally as they navigate complex legal challenges and personal dilemmas within the kindle county legal framework. The roster of key figures includes attorneys, prosecutors, and judges, with characters sometimes reappearing in other novels in varying roles.

    • Are turow's novels based on true stories?

      While Scott Turow's novels are works of fiction, as a practicing lawyer for many years, Turow infuses his books with a sense of authenticity that mirrors real-life legal cases and judicial proceedings. His intricate knowledge of legal processes and courtroom dynamics lends a sense of realism to his stories, making them resonate with readers who appreciate well-crafted legal thrillers. Unfortunately, without being personally involved in specific cases, one would be unable to assert any of Turow's novels are based on particular true stories.

    • What formats are available for scott turow's books?

      Scott Turow's books are available in various formats, including hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and eBook. You can check availability through our website as we link to these formats on Amazon. Whether readers prefer to read a traditional hardcover or paperback, listen on the go, or enjoy the convenience of an eBook, they can find a format that suits their reading style within the county or beyond.

    • Can you add any new releases planned by author scott turow in the coming years?

      As of our knowledge cutoff, author Scott Turow has not officially announced any new releases following "The Last Trial" which came out in 2020. However, as an active author well-regarded for his contribution to legal thrillers and mystery novels, it's very possible that Turow could publish new material in the upcoming years. Fans are always advised to keep an eye out for announcements and sign up for newsletters from publishers or authors for the latest news on upcoming releases. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide more specific information regarding future additions to Turow's body of work.