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Paul Doiron Books in Order (19 Book Series)

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Paul Doiron has written a series of 19 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 19 books


    • What are Paul Doiron books in order and where can I find them?

      The Paul Doiron books in order, which comprise the celebrated Mike Bowditch series, should be read following their publication sequence to get the most out of the character development and overarching plotlines. As an author, Paul Doiron has created an immersive mystery book world that is best appreciated in order. On our website, Most Recommended Books, we provide links to each of these novels, in both Kindle and large print editions, directly on Amazon for your convenience.

    • Can I find the Paul Doiron books in order for the Mike Bowditch series in order?

      Yes, you can find the Paul Doiron books series in order on our website. Paul Doiron's books are listed in the author book order they were published, making it easy for you to follow the captivating Mike Bowditch series without missing any part of the adventure or character progression.

    • Does Paul Doiron have any other books aside from the Mike Bowditch series?

      While author Paul Doiron is best known for the Mike Bowditch series, he has also published short stories that expand upon the world of Mike Bowditch. Any new novels or short story entries are updated accordingly on our site to provide comprehensive information to the readers.

    • Has Paul Doiron, the award-winning author, received any recognition like the Barry Award for his mystery books?

      Indeed, Paul Doiron's gripping storytelling has earned him considerable recognition in the literary world, including literary award nominations. Notably, his work has been nominated for the prestigious Barry Award, a literary book award that acknowledges outstanding achievements in the mystery genre.

    • What kind of themes do Paul Doiron novels encompass?

      Paul Doiron's novels are rooted in the mystery and fiction genres, often set against the rugged backdrop of Maine, which enriches his narratives with a unique sense of place. The Bowditch saga delves deep into themes of nature, crime, and personal growth, all woven seamlessly into thrilling narratives that keep readers engaged from the first page to the last.

    • Are there any resources for readers who prefer a different format than standard paperback?

      Many of Paul Doiron's books, including 'The Silent Girls' and other titles in the Bowditch series, are available in various formats such as Kindle for digital readers and large print for those who prefer or require a more comfortable reading experience. Each book's page on our site provides links to its available editions on Amazon, including Kindle and large print versions.

    • How can I determine which Paul Doiron book to start with or the next one to read in the order of the series?

      To choose your next read or start the Mike Bowditch series, you can rely on our user-friendly rating system. The rating reflects the opinions and recommendations of countless readers, guiding you towards the most enjoyed and recommended start point or your subsequent adventure in the Bowditch mystery series.