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Patricia Gibney Books in Order (11 Book Series)

Buried AngelsBroken SoulsFinal Betrayal

Patricia Gibney has written a series of 11 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 11 books


    • What is the correct Patricia Gibney books in order for the Detective Lottie Parker series?

      The Gibney series featuring the series detective Lottie Parker begins with "The Missing Ones," followed by "The Stolen Girls," "The Lost Child," "No Safe Place," "Tell Nobody," "Final Betrayal," "Buried Angels," "Silent Voices," "Little Bones," "The Hiding Place," "Buried Angels," and "The Hideaway." It is recommended to read the Gibney detective novels in order of publication to follow the progression of character development and overarching storylines.

    • Can you list the series in order for Patricia Gibney's books?

      Yes, the books in the Patricia Gibney series should be read in the following order for the best experience: "The Missing Ones," "The Stolen Girls," "The Lost Child," "No Safe Place," "Tell Nobody," "Final Betrayal," "Buried Angels," "Silent Voices," "Little Bones," "The Hiding Place," and "The Hideaway." This will ensure continuity and enhance your understanding of the recurring themes and evolving characters throughout the book series.

    • Are there any recent additions to the Gibney books?

      Patricia Gibney's most recent addition to her book series is "The Hideaway," which continues the story of Detective Lottie Parker. New books are periodically added, so be sure to check for updates on the latest releases in the series detective saga.

    • I am new to Patricia Gibney's writing. What should I expect from her novels?

      As an author, Patricia Gibney is known for her captivating mystery storytelling, creating intricate and suspenseful plots in her novels. You can expect a gripping reading read with each book, featuring a blend of intense police procedural and the personal life struggles of Lottie Parker, the Gibney detective at the center of the parker series. All of Gibney's books are available in Kindle format, which you can easily add to your collection.

    • How can I locate all the books by Patricia Gibney?

      You can find all the novels by Patricia Gibney on Most Recommended Books, where we link directly to their Amazon listings. Simply search Patricia's name or the parker series to find them, and you can see their rating and reviews from other readers to help decide which book you'd like to read first.

    • Where does Patricia fit among contemporary mystery authors?

      Author Patricia Gibney has made a significant name for herself among contemporary mystery authors. With her Lottie Parker series, she has developed a loyal readership thanks to her engaging writing and strong characters. Her body of work continues to be found among top-rated mystery novels and is frequently recommended for fans of the genre.

    • Is there a preferred order to enjoy Lottie Parker adventures?

      While each novel in the Lottie parker series technically stands on its own, there is a preferred order that will enhance your enjoyment and understanding of the ongoing background stories and character development. Starting with "The Missing Ones," it is advisable to read them in the sequence they were published to get the most out of Patricia's writing and the thrilling mystery each book presents.