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AG Riddle Books in Order (11 Book Series)

GenomeDepartureLost in Time

AG Riddle is a series of 11 books written by 2 authors. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 11 books


    • What is the correct order to read the A.G. Riddle book series, including other a g riddle works?

      To enjoy A.G. Riddle's book series in the intended sequence, it is recommended to follow the publication order. The author has multiple series, so you should start with his most well-known series, "The Origin Mystery," beginning with "The Atlantis Gene," followed by "The Atlantis Plague," and concluding with "The Atlantis World." Then you can move on to his other series like "The Extinction Files" or standalone novels.

    • Can I find a synopsis for A.G. Riddle's novels on Goodreads?

      Yes, you can find detailed synopses and reviews for A.G. Riddle's novels on Goodreads. Each book's page provides reader ratings, reviews, and star ratings. Goodreads is a valuable resource for readers to decide which A G Riddle novel might pique their interest, whether it's the blend of science fiction and romance in the "The Origin Mystery" series or another thrilling adventure.

    • Are A.G. Riddle's books mainly mystery or do they venture into other genres as well?

      While A.G. Riddle's novels often start with a mystery that hooks the reader, they span across various genres including thriller, science fiction, and even romance. His writing is multifaceted, aiming to reach a broad audience by intertwining different elements to keep the pages turning.

    • Is A.G. Riddle's work similar to that of other authors in the thriller genre, like James Rollins?

      A.G. Riddle's storytelling is indeed comparable to the intense, action-packed style of authors like James Rollins. Fans of James Rollins' ability to weave historical intrigue and modern suspense will likely appreciate Riddle's novels. Both authors skillfully combine facts and fiction, with the same knack for James' meticulous research, and roll out narratives creating a compelling read that delves into the unknown of our world and humanity's place in it.

    • What format are A.G. Riddle's books available in?

      A.G. Riddle's books are available in different formats for readers' varying preferences. You can find them in paperback, hardcover, and also for Kindle devices on Amazon. The Kindle version is perfect for those who like to have their entire library at their fingertips.

    • How frequently does A.G. Riddle release new books?

      A.G. Riddle has been consistently releasing new novels over the years, usually with a new book being published every one to two years. This allows fans to not wait too long for their next thrilling adventure in his universe of fiction.

    • How well-received are A.G. Riddle's books by the reading community?

      A.G. Riddle's books have garnered a substantial following, with many of his novels receiving high praise and four to five stars ratings from readers around the world. His ability to craft engaging narratives that explore the big "what-ifs" of history and science has secured his place among the notable authors of the thriller and science fiction genres, such as James Rollins.