Books Recommended by Mike Rowe
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At Home
A Short History of Private Life
Bill Bryson
Source: "A look at the history of the world as told from all of the different rooms in [the author's] house. So in his bathroom becomes the history of plumbing. In his great hall, becomes the history of entertainment." - Mike Rowe
1 recommenderBelieve in People
Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World
Charles Koch
Source: "A deeply personal account of one man’s remarkable determination to live the best life he can." - Mike Rowe
3 recommendersAbout My Mother
True Stores of a Horse-Crazy Daughter and Her Baseball-Obsessed Mother
Peggy Rowe
Source: "Just to be clear, [this] is a book about my grandmother, written by my mother." - Mike Rowe
1 recommenderTravis McGee (21 books)
John D. MacDonald
Source: "The best pulp I’ve ever read." - Mike Rowe
2 recommendersA Curious Discovery
An Entrepreneur's Story
John S. Hendricks
Source: "One of the greatest entrepreneurs who ever lived." - Mike Rowe
1 recommenderAbout Your Father and Other Celebrities I Have Known
Ruminations and Revelations from a Desperate Mother to Her Dirty Son
Peggy Rowe
Source: "She did it again. And it’s better than her first one." - Mike Rowe
1 recommenderThe Lost Continent
Travels in Small Town America
Bill Bryson
Source: "One of my favorites." - Mike Rowe
1 recommender
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