Books Recommended by Josh Marshall
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Greek and Roman Artillery
Technical Treatises (Oxford University Press Academic Monograph Reprints)
E. W. Marsden
Source: "Definitely the first book that has brought together my interest in ancient history, ancient languages and woodworking." - Josh Marshall
1 recommenderCatch and Kill
Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators
Ronan Farrow
Source: "Man, it is a really, **really** good book." - Josh Marshall
1 recommenderChants Democratic
New York City and the Rise of the American Working Class, 1788-1850, 20th Anniversary Edition
Sean Wilentz
Source: "An incredibly important book." - Josh Marshall
1 recommender- 1 recommender
- 1 recommender
The Republic of St. Peter
The Birth of the Papal State, 680-825 (The Middle Ages Series)
Thomas F. X. Noble
Source: "Awesome." - Josh Marshall
1 recommender
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