Books Recommended by Hugh Jackman
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The 4-Hour Body
An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
Tim Ferriss
Source: "Another thing I learned from [this book] when I was getting ready for Wolverine, the cold bath. So I have a cold shower every morning." - Hugh Jackman
Here is New York
E. B. White
Source: "A little book that [I give] to anyone who lives in New York or likes New York." - Hugh Jackman
1 recommenderStrength in Stillness
The Power of Transcendental Meditation
Bob Roth
Source: "My wife and I love Bob. He’s really helped us and our son, Oscar." - Hugh Jackman
The Overstory
A Novel
Richard Powers
Source: "Completely reverses the way you look at the world when you walk outside." - Hugh Jackman
4 recommendersThe Second Mountain
The Quest for a Moral Life
David Brooks
Source: Hugh Jackman mentioned this book on "The Tim Ferriss Show" podcast.
2 recommendersOutlive
The Science and Art of Longevity
Peter Attia
Source: "I could not recommend this book more highly." - Hugh Jackman
2 recommendersThis Is Water
Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life
David Foster Wallace
Source: "I now gift [this book] very regularly." - Hugh Jackman
3 recommenders
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