Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Summary


Here you will find a Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire summary (J.K. Rowling's book).
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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Summary Overview

The narrative commences with an incident occurring half a century ago, revolving around the unexplained murders of the Riddle family and the subsequent suspicion and acquittal of their groundskeeper, Frank Bryce. Fast forward to the present, Bryce, now elderly, investigates a light in the Riddle house, inadvertently overhearing a plot to murder a boy named Harry Potter by Voldemort and his accomplice, Wormtail. This discovery leads to his tragic death. Meanwhile, Harry Potter experiences pain in his scar, given to him by Voldemort, and pens a letter to his godfather, Sirius Black, about it. Soon afterwards, he is whisked away to the Weasley household before attending the Quidditch World Cup with them, where they witness Ireland's victory, despite Viktor Krum catching the Snitch for Bulgaria. The festivities, however, are interrupted by the Death Eaters, leading to panic and confusion. School continues with the introduction of Mad-Eye Moody as the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher and the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. The selection of Harry as a competitor, despite his young age, causes a rift between him and his friend, Ron. Meanwhile, Hermione starts a campaign to free house-elves, and Harry learns to defend himself against the Imperius Curse. The champions of the tournament face their first task - dragons - and Harry manages to successfully retrieve the golden egg. Following this, the Yule Ball is announced, leading to a series of romantic entanglements and misunderstandings among the students. Harry's encounter with Cedric about the first task's clue leads him to prepare for the second task, which involves rescuing hostages from a lake. Despite emerging last, he gains high marks for his moral fiber. The tournament's final challenge involves a maze, which Harry and Cedric navigate successfully, only to be transported to a far-off graveyard. There, Cedric is immediately killed, and Harry is bound and used in a ritual to restore Voldemort to his full power. A duel ensues, during which Harry manages to escape with Cedric's body. Back at the school, he is confronted by Moody, who reveals himself to be a Death Eater in disguise. However, before he can harm Harry further, Dumbledore and other professors intervene. As the school year concludes, Dumbledore makes an announcement about the return of Voldemort, a claim the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, vehemently refuses to believe. Despite the grim circumstances, Harry finds a way to help his friends, the Weasleys, by funding their joke shop, and he returns to spend his summer with the Dursleys.

chapter 1

The Riddle House, shrouded in mystery, overlooks Little Hangleton. Half a century ago, the Riddle family met an unexplained death, appearing to have been scared to death. Suspicion fell on Frank Bryce, their unsociable gardener. Even after being cleared, the locals continued to doubt him and he was constantly harassed by the village youths. Half a century later, Frank, now old and aching, spots a strange light in the Riddle House. Believing the local youths are causing mischief, he limps over, enters the house with his spare key, and ascends the dusty stairs. He eavesdrops on a conversation between two individuals, one dominant and high pitched, the other anxious and submissive. Frank discovers the dominant voice belongs to Lord Voldemort, who is instructing the other, Wormtail, to capture Harry Potter after the Quidditch World Cup. When Wormtail suggests kidnapping another boy, Lord Voldemort rejects the idea. Wormtail then mentions Bertha Jorkins, a source of valuable information who was silenced to protect their secrecy. Upon hearing this, Frank is terrified, especially when a huge snake enters the room and converses with Lord Voldemort. At this moment, Lord Voldemort summons Frank into the room and kills him in a flash of green light. Simultaneously, far away, Harry Potter wakes up in the middle of the night.

chapter 2

Fourteen-year-old wizard Harry Potter wakes up in distress, his forehead scar aching. He's startled, recalling his scar only hurts when the evil Lord Voldemort is close. Lord Voldemort, who led the dark forces in the wizarding world, is responsible for killing Harry's parents and leaving him with the scar. Harry survived his attack, causing Voldemort to lose his powers. In turmoil, Harry considers his options. He can't confide in the Dursleys, his non-magical relatives, who loathe him and magic. Telling Hermione, his closest female friend, isn't an option as she'd insist they alert Dumbledore, the headmaster. His best mate Ron might dismiss it as a false alarm. So, Harry turns to Sirius Black, his godfather, whom he helped escape from prison in a previous adventure. Sirius was wrongly accused of causing thirteen deaths and betraying Harry's parents to Voldemort. The real culprit, as Harry and friends discovered, was Peter Pettigrew, aka Wormtail. Harry pens a quick note to Sirius then heads to breakfast.

chapter 3

Harry comes to breakfast undisturbed. Uncle Vernon is deep in the morning news, while Dudley is annoyed by his grapefruit breakfast due to a diet imposed by Aunt Petunia. This diet stems from a letter from his school citing their inability to provide trousers that fit Dudley's large size, putting the entire family on Dudley's diet. Harry manages this diet with food sent from his friends via owl. The mailman interrupts breakfast with a letter for Harry, causing Uncle Vernon's fury. The letter is from Molly Weasley, inviting Harry to the Quidditch World Cup and to stay with her family for the summer. Uncle Vernon is not only angry about Harry leaving, but also about the envelope's excessive stamps. Yet, he doesn't want Harry to stay for the summer either. The mention of sending a letter to Sirius Black scares Uncle Vernon into letting Harry leave for fear of an encounter with the notorious criminal. Elated, Harry retreats upstairs where his owl, Hedwig, has returned from her nightly flight and a new, smaller owl, Pig, is fluttering about. Pig, Ron Weasley's new owl, has brought a note instructing Harry to be ready for departure to the Quidditch Cup the next night. Harry replies to Ron and sends his letter to Sirius, feeling hopeful about the summer's end.

chapter 4

Harry finishes packing by midday, anticipating his departure from the Dursleys who are visibly scared and quiet. Uncle Vernon sarcastically comments on the Weasleys' likely attire. The Weasleys are late, but they eventually arrive with loud noises from the blocked-up fireplace, indicating their attempt to use Floo Powder for travel. Arthur Weasley's voice alerts Harry about the impending explosion from the fireplace, which reveals Arthur himself along with Ron, Fred, and George. The Dursleys don't respond to the polite greeting, while Dudley, remembering his past encounter with magic, vanishes. Fred and George go upstairs to collect Harry's trunk as Mr. Weasley tries to initiate a dialogue with the silent Dursleys. When the twins descend with the trunk, some sweets spill from their pockets. Harry and Mr. Weasley are left alone in the living room, where they discover Dudley, who has eaten one of the sweets, resulting in an enlarged tongue. Amidst Aunt Petunia's screams and Uncle Vernon's flying ornaments, Mr. Weasley attempts to shrink Dudley's tongue back to its original size.

chapter 5

Harry arrives at the Weasley's home, dizzy from using Floo powder. He meets the eldest Weasley brothers, Charlie and Bill, who work with dragons and at Gringotts bank respectively. Mr. Weasley enters, irate at the twins for their prank on Dudley, which sparks Mrs. Weasley's anger. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny retreat upstairs, encountering their pompous brother Percy, who's just started working for the Ministry of Magic. They hang out in Ron's room, musing over Percy's job and the twins' line of magical pranks, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which their mother doesn't approve of. Later, they go downstairs and watch the elder brothers playing with magic outside while Mrs. Weasley prepares dinner. After dinner, they spend a warm evening filled with family banter. Percy criticizes Mr. Weasley's friend, Ludo Bagman, for losing a staff member, Bertha Jorkins. Mrs. Weasley nags Bill about his hair and earring, while the twins and Charlie speculate about the upcoming Quidditch World Cup. Harry is content with the Weasleys and looks forward to the World Cup.

chapter 6

Mr. Weasley, in everyday clothes, wakes Harry early. To blend in with non-wizarding folk for the upcoming World Cup, he and his children, along with Harry and Hermione, set off. The older Weasleys teleport themselves, a wizarding method known as Apparation. Tension brews in the early hours when Mrs. Weasley uses magic, with the incantation "Accio!", to confiscate candy from the twins. Everyone, except Mrs. Weasley, heads out into the chilly dawn towards Stoatshead Hill. Mr. Weasley informs them that to accommodate the large wizarding crowd at the World Cup, a different mode of transport, called a Portkey, is used. They encounter fellow Hogwarts student Cedric Diggory and his father, Amos, at the hilltop. Amos embarrasses everyone mentioning how Cedric bested Harry in the previous year's Quidditch match. They find the Portkey, an old boot, and at five in the morning, everyone touches it. The Portkey propels them through the air, landing them at the campground where only the Diggorys and Mr. Weasley manage to stay upright.

chapter 7

Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley family arrive at the Quidditch World Cup site. Struggling with Muggle currency, Mr. Weasley pays the campground manager, Mr. Roberts. The Ministry wizards are working hard to keep the wizard gathering hidden and repeatedly erase Mr. Roberts' memory to keep their secret. Wizards set up tents that mimic Muggles but with a magical twist. After erecting two roomy tents, Harry, Ron, and Hermione fetch water, passing wizard children on broomsticks, various team supporters' tents, and posters of the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum. This experience shows Harry how vast the wizarding world is. Upon returning, they see Mr. Weasley lighting a fire with matches. Percy, Bill, and Charlie arrive, followed by Ludo Bagman, Head of Magical Games and Sports. Ludo places a bet with Fred and George on the Quidditch game. When Barty Crouch, Percy's strict boss, appears, Percy eagerly offers him tea, confusing his name with "Weatherby". They hint at a future event at Hogwarts before leaving. Harry purchases a pair of omnioculars for himself, Ron, and Hermione from a vendor. Finally, they head to the field to watch the match.

chapter 8

As the Weasleys find their spots in the top box, Harry spots an alone, bat-eared creature, a house-elf he recognizes as Winky. She mentions she's reserving a spot for her master and knows Dobby, the elf Harry had previously liberated. She speaks about the house-elf duty to work without pay, and Dobby's unusual demand for wages. Soon, they are joined by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and the wealthy, disdainful Malfoy family. Ludo Bagman starts commentating on the Quidditch game, and the teams send out their mascots. The Bulgarian Veela, stunning platinum-haired dancers, mesmerize the male spectators while Irish Leprechauns form shapes in the sky and rain gold onto the crowd. Ron collects this to repay Harry for his omnioculars. The game kicks off and Harry is taken aback by the speed. Ireland takes a swift lead and Harry uses his new Omnioculars to witness the action in slow motion, and to read the names of the moves on the screen. The mascots keep escalating their antics, with the Veela revealing their monstrous bird-heads in frustration at Bulgaria's lag. Krum executes a "Wronksi Feint," an impressive dive for the Snitch that leads the opposite team's Seeker to crash. Despite being a hundred and sixty points down, he catches the Snitch, concluding the game but in favor of Ireland. The crowds erupt in cheers, and Fred and George go to collect their bet winnings from Ludo Bagman.

chapter 9

The Weasley's tents fall silent after a night of game chatter. Suddenly, Harry is woken by Mr. Weasley and steps outside to witness a terrifying spectacle—masked wizards marching, and the Roberts family floating above them. Harry, Ron, and Hermione flee to the forest, where they encounter a smug Draco Malfoy. He informs them the menacing crowd is attacking Muggles and 'Mudbloods'. Ignoring him, Harry notices his wand is missing. In the chaos, they spot Winky, the house-elf, trembling. Ludo Bagman appears briefly, looks horrified, and vanishes. They then hear a spell, followed by a green skull with a snake coming out of its mouth, appearing in the sky, causing panic and screams. Suddenly, they are surrounded by multiple wands, but manage to avoid a stupefying spell. Mr. Weasley rescues them, but Mr. Crouch angrily accuses them of conjuring the Dark Mark. They deny it, explaining they heard a voice but didn't see anyone. Mr. Diggory then emerges from the trees holding an unconscious Winky, clutching a wand - Harry's missing wand. The accusation intensifies when it's revealed that this wand summoned the Dark Mark. Despite the improbability of Harry or Winky casting such a spell, the group breaks up in fear. Hermione, upset at Mr. Crouch's threat to fire Winky, starts discussing elf-rights. Back at the tents, Mr. Weasley explains to the youngsters that the Dark Mark was used by Death Eaters after a killing. He speculates that the levitating Muggles were a prank by the Death Eaters, who would have been terrified by the Dark Mark, fearing Voldemort's return and their impending punishment for escaping Azkaban. Harry is left perturbed, wondering if this is related to the pain in his scar three nights ago.

chapter 10

Upon returning home, Mrs. Weasley is filled with relief and emotion, having read about the Dark Mark incident. Mr. Weasley promptly leaves for the Ministry to address the misleading information spread by journalist Rita Skeeter. Harry shares about his hurting scar with Ron and Hermione, their reactions being as he anticipated. While Mr. Weasley and Percy are occupied at the Ministry for the following week, Harry, Hermione, and the other Weasley children get ready for their return to Hogwarts. Bill informs them about Rita Skeeter's knack for tarnishing wizards' reputations through her articles. The night prior to their departure, Mrs. Weasley presents freshly laundered dress robes to them, causing Ron to react negatively upon realizing his are old and lacy. Seeing Mrs. Weasley depart the room dejected, Harry feels a deep pang of sympathy for Ron's financial situation, considering his own inherited wealth and the Weasleys' continual financial struggles.

chapter 11

The next morning brings with it a heavy downpour and the group wakes to see Amos Diggory's head in the fireplace. Amos reports an incident involving Mad-Eye Moody who mistook a trespasser and ended up attracting Muggle law enforcement. Moody, an aging former Auror, is known for his paranoia. Mr. Weasley hurries off to handle the situation at the Ministry, leaving everyone else to squeeze into three Muggle cabs for a ride to King's Cross Station. Upon reaching the magical platform nine and three-quarters, the students from Hogwarts board the Hogwarts Express, with Charlie mysteriously hinting that he might see them sooner than expected. While on the train, Harry, Ron, and Hermione eavesdrop on Draco Malfoy bragging about his father's inclination towards sending him to Durmstrang, a Northern European wizarding school reputed for instructing students in Dark Arts. This spurs a conversation about the various wizarding schools across Europe. Along the journey, they catch up with old friends like Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom, the latter having missed the World Cup. Ron's new dress robes draped over his owl cage catches the attention of Malfoy who mocks him and drops an enigmatic comment about an upcoming event at Hogwarts. The trip culminates with their arrival at Hogwarts, where horseless carriages usher them to the castle while Hagrid escorts the first-year students across the lake in boats.

chapter 12

As the Hogwarts students return to the castle, they are met with water-balloons thrown by Peeves, the school's mischievous poltergeist. Soaked, they head to the Great Hall for their meal, settling at tables for their respective Houses. Harry catches up with Nearly-Headless Nick, the Gryffindor House ghost, while speculating about the identity of the new defense against the dark arts teacher. The Sorting ceremony kicks off as Professor McGonagall places an old hat on a stool. The hat sings and once placed on a first-year's head, it declares the house they will join. Among the new Gryffindors is Dennis Creevey, younger sibling of third-year Colin Creevey, who admires Harry. During dinner, Nearly Headless Nick brings up Peeves' latest mischief with the house-elves in the kitchen. This leads Hermione to accuse Hogwarts of using slave labor, causing her to abandon her meal. Dumbledore, the headmaster, eventually rises to speak to the students. He announces the cancellation of the annual Quidditch Cup but is interrupted before revealing the replacement event by the arrival of Mad-Eye Moody, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The students watch in silence as Dumbledore introduces him, and then reveals that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year. This contest, between Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang, had been paused centuries ago due to fatalities. However, the Ministry of Magic has made it safe enough to resume. Dumbledore mentions the prize is a thousand galleons and only those over seventeen can participate. The Weasley twins show disbelief. As Harry drifts off to sleep that night, he fantasizes about taking part in and winning the Triwizard Tournament, while his crush, Cho Chang, cheers him on.

chapter 13

Classes are now underway at Hogwarts. In Herbology, the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students are taught by Professor Sprout to harvest Bubotuber pus. Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class is a bit more exciting; the Gryffindor and Slytherin students meet strange, lobster-like creatures called Blast-Ended Skrewts. Despite Hagrid's enthusiasm, the students find the Skrewts puzzling and somewhat pointless, and even Harry struggles to appear interested. After a lunch break, during which Hermione rushes off to the library, Harry and Ron attend Divination. The mystical Professor Trelawney predicts Harry's fears will soon come to pass and attempts to link his traits to a midwinter birth, to which Harry corrects as July. Her class ends with an assignment of a month-long personal prediction based on planetary alignments. In the evening, as they head to the Great Hall for dinner, Malfoy mocks Mr. Weasley, reading from an unflattering article by Rita Skeeter. After defending Ron's family, Harry becomes the target of Malfoy's wand, but Mad-Eye Moody swiftly intervenes. He transforms Malfoy into a ferret as a penalty for his sneak attack. Upon entering the scene, Professor McGonagall reverts Malfoy back to human form and reprimands Moody for transfiguring students. During supper, the Weasley twins are full of admiration for Moody's prowess in teaching defense against the dark arts.

chapter 14

In the following days, Harry observes Professor Snape acting notably docile around Professor Moody. Snape, a difficult teacher, makes Neville Longbottom spend an afternoon gutting horned frogs. The Gryffindors eagerly look forward to Moody's class. When the day arrives, Moody hobbles in, rough and gruff, asking students to put away their books. He points out their lack of knowledge in curses. He states that he and Dumbledore decided it'd be best to teach the curses directly so students know what they're up against. He uses three spiders to illustrate the three unforgivable curses, each punishable by a lifetime in Azkaban. First, he shows the Imperius Curse, which offers the caster control over the victim. This is the curse Voldemort used to manipulate wizards. Next, he presents the Cruciatus Curse, which inflicts intense pain on its victim. Neville is deeply troubled to see this curse used on the spider. Lastly, he demonstrates Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, famously survived only by Harry. Harry is distraught to see the curse that killed his parents; it kills instantly without leaving a mark. Moody wraps up the class with a warning to maintain "constant vigilance!" After class, a disturbed Neville is given a book on Mediterranean water plants by Moody, noting appreciatively that Professor Sprout said Neville was good at Herbology. Later, Harry and Ron are in the common room doing their Divination homework, inventing dreadful scenarios due to the planetary alignment. The Weasley twins are quietly examining a peculiar piece of parchment. Hermione comes in with S.P.E.W badges, an acronym for the Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare, a new organization she has started. Before Harry and Ron can reject the badges, Hedwig brings a letter for Harry from Sirius. The letter mentions odd signs and urges Harry to inform Dumbledore if his scar hurts again. Sirius mentions he's returning and will be in touch. Harry feels guilty, thinking he has put Sirius at risk by informing him about the scar. He retreats to his dormitory in low spirits, oblivious to Neville's restless state.

chapter 15

After talking with Sirius, Harry pens a letter to him at dawn, dismissing his scar discomfort and insisting he stay put. As days go by without a reply, the students experience the Imperius Curse firsthand in Defense Against the Dark Arts, with Professor Moody using it for teaching purposes. Harry, while under Moody's spell, queries his own actions and ends up crashing into a table, amusing Moody. School activities get more intense. By late October, a notice reveals the imminent arrival from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools. A Hufflepuff student mentions needing to inform Cedric Diggory. Hermione and Ron engage in a tiff regarding Cedric's intellect. Hermione stands firm in her belief of Cedric's intelligence, while Ron accuses her of being swayed by Cedric's good looks. Meanwhile, Hermione persists with S.P.E.W., which is considered comedic by many, and Harry gets a message from Sirius confirming his arrival but assuring of his stealth. On the designated day, Hogwarts students assemble to welcome their visitors. Beauxbatons makes a grand entry with a flying carriage, and Madame Maxime, an imposing and elegant woman, steps out as their headmistress. She ushers her scantily clad, cold students into the castle to warm up. Shortly after, a spectral ship surfaces on the lake, disembarking the Durmstrang students. They are led by Karkaroff who appears cunning. Amongst them, Ron marvels at the sight of the Bulgarian Seeker, Viktor Krum.

chapter 16

The arrival of guest schools causes a stir in the Great Hall, with Hogwarts girls eagerly seeking Viktor Krum's autograph, and boys vying for the privilege to sit beside him. Krum ends up at the Slytherin table, though Ron toys with the idea of offering him a bed in their dormitory. The Beauxbatons students grumble, despite the varied food offerings catering to different nationalities. Ron is smitten by a Beauxbatons student who he suspects is a Veela, while Harry is captivated by Cho Chang, a beautiful Ravenclaw. Meanwhile, Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch join the head table as judges for the upcoming tournament. Dumbledore presents the Goblet of Fire and explains that only students wishing to participate in the Tournament should put their names on a paper slip inside it. He reveals a boundary preventing anyone under seventeen from applying. As the meal concludes, Karkaroff is seen clinging to Krum and guiding the Durmstrang students back to their ship when he spots Harry and stares intensely. Moody intervenes, growling at Karkaroff to stop delaying their departure. The following day, Fred and George attempt to bypass the age restriction with a potion, but it backfires, causing them to grow beards. There's a mix of curiosity and anticipation over who will enter and be chosen. In the afternoon, Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit Hagrid. They're taken aback by his makeover involving a brown suit, neatly combed hair, and pungent cologne. They discuss the Tournament and the increasingly dangerous Skrewts. Hermione's efforts to recruit Hagrid for S.P.E.W. fail, and Hagrid becomes preoccupied with Madame Maxime as they return to the castle. Following another meal, the Goblet of Fire ignites, revealing the champions: Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, and Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts. When the announcement appears to be over, the Goblet unexpectedly produces another name: Harry Potter.

chapter 17

Harry is shocked when Dumbledore calls him as a champion and he walks into a room with other participants, Cedric, Krum, and Fleur, feeling bewildered. His arrival is quickly followed by a group of teachers and judges who start talking simultaneously. Ludo Bagman is thrilled about Harry's participation, but Madame Maxime and Karkaroff accuse the competition of being fixed. Dumbledore, although stern, trusts Harry's assertion that he didn't submit his name. Snape, however, believes Harry has cheated. Moody interrupts the chaos with somber speculations, emphasizing that selection by the Goblet is an unbreakable contract. He believes someone intentionally put Harry's name in the Goblet, potentially hoping that Harry might die in the competition. According to Moody, this would require a powerful spell to trick the Goblet into accepting a fourth school's candidate. Karkaroff accuses Moody of being responsible given his knowledge of the process, but Moody retorts, reminding Karkaroff of his understanding of Dark magic. Dumbledore intervenes, stopping the argument. Mr. Crouch outlines the competition: three surprise tests starting late November, designed to challenge the participants' bravery. Back in their houses, Cedric seems skeptical of Harry's claim that he didn't enter himself. Among the Gryffindors, Harry's selection is cause for celebration, but Harry isn't in the mood. When he retreats to his dorm, he finds Ron, upset that Harry supposedly secretly entered without inviting him along. This disbelief from Ron leaves Harry completely stunned.

chapter 18

Hermione assures Harry that she knows he didn't enter his name in the goblet the following morning. She hints that Ron's disbelief might stem from jealousy over Harry's constant attention. Despite not enjoying the attention, Harry struggles to understand why Ron would be envious. Harry fills Sirius in on recent developments via a letter. As school starts again, skepticism hovers around him, with students from every house except Gryffindor giving him dubious looks. Harry feels stressed and misses Ron, and his academic performance suffers. In Potions, Slytherin students show off badges that read, "Support Cedric Diggory-the REAL Hogwarts Champion!" and mock Harry with chirps of "Potter Stinks!" When Malfoy shifts his mockery towards Hermione, Harry retaliates with a disfiguring curse, which misses its target and hits Goyle and Hermione instead. Hermione's teeth start growing abnormally, and Snape's dismissal of her condition infuriates Ron and Harry. Their outburst earns them detentions. Colin Creevey interrupts the class to take Harry to the weighing of the champions' wands. Rita Skeeter, an intrusive reporter, corners Harry before the weighing and fires a barrage of questions at him. Despite his silence, her Quick-Quotes Quill sketches a pitiful image of him. Dumbledore enters and rescues Harry from the reporter. Mr. Ollivander weighs the champions' wands, revealing their unique cores: Fleur's has a Veela hair, Cedric's a unicorn tail-hair, Krum's a dragon heartstring, and Harry's an unmentioned feather from the same phoenix whose feather lies in Voldemort's wand. After a photo session, Harry is asked to be in the Gryffindor Common room alone at one in the morning on November 22, two days prior to the first task.

chapter 19

Harry's life has become a bit of a struggle. The first task of the Triwizard Tournament is fast approaching, his friend Ron won't talk to him, and journalist Rita Skeeter has written an unflattering article about him, ignoring Cedric Diggory, the actual Hogwarts champion, and falsely claiming that Harry is in love with Hermione. The article causes much teasing towards Harry, who seeks refuge in the library, accompanied by Hermione. They're frequently interrupted by Viktor Krum and his fans who have recently started frequenting the place. During a trip to Hogsmeade, Harry dons his Invisibility Cloak for some privacy. However, Mad-Eye Moody spots him and points him out to Hagrid. Hagrid asks Harry to visit him late at night. Following instructions, Harry invisibly trails Hagrid and Madame Maxime into the Forbidden Forest. There, he discovers the first task’s challenge - to get past four mother dragons. Harry learns from Charlie Weasley that a Hungarian Horntail, one of the dragons, is particularly deadly. Rushing back to meet his godfather Sirius in the Gryffindor common room, Harry stumbles over Karkaroff, who seems to be snooping around the forest. Sirius's face appears in the fireplace, and Harry updates him about everything. In return, Sirius reveals Karkaroff's past as a Death Eater and Moody's reputation as the best Auror. He suggests that Moody's dustbin incident might not have been an accident and mentions that missing Bertha Jorkins was last seen where Voldemort was rumored to be hiding. As Sirius was about to advise Harry on handling the dragon, Ron interrupts them, causing Sirius to vanish. Angry at the disruption, Harry throws a "Potter Stinks" badge at Ron before storming off to bed.

chapter 20

Harry and Hermione, grappling with the challenge of the impending dragon task, find no success in their research. Harry, filled with dread, contemplates fleeing from Hogwarts but is deterred by the thought of returning to the Dursleys. Before the task, he informs Cedric about the dragons assuming other champions have already been tipped off by their school heads. Cedric is skeptical, but Moody later praises Harry for leveling the playing field. He advises Harry to use his strengths, indirectly suggesting he use his Quidditch skills and Firebolt broomstick to outmaneuver the dragon. Harry and Hermione then dedicate their time to mastering the summoning charm, "Accio!" On the task day, the jittery champions are led to a tent where they draw models of dragons they would battle against. Harry draws the Hungarian Horntail. He goes last, summoning his broomstick and effortlessly gliding around the dragon to seize the golden egg. Ron later told him that his performance was the best and quickest. All champions manage to get their eggs, albeit Cedric and Fleur sustaining minor burns, and Krum causing his dragon to crush several of her eggs. Following the task, Harry and Ron reconcile, as Ron realized Harry wouldn't risk his life for mere attention. The champions are then informed that the golden eggs contain clues to the upcoming task. Harry walks back to the castle with Ron, feeling relieved and joyful.

chapter 21

Harry shares his dragon victory with Sirius through a letter. He joins a party in the Gryffindor common room, where he reveals the shrieking sound from his golden egg. Fred and George's Canary Creams transform Neville into a huge yellow canary, adding to the fun. Harry ends the day on a high note. Days later, Harry assists Hagrid with some fierce Skrewts when Rita Skeeter shows up to interview Hagrid. Harry pays her no mind. Divination turns enjoyable again with the reconciliation of Harry and Ron. Post-class, Hermione takes the duo to the kitchens. They find Dobby among a bunch of house-elves serving food and tea. Dobby and Winky are employed at Hogwarts, but while Dobby enjoys his freedom and earnings, Winky mourns Mr. Crouch and her lost honor. Harry learns about the dark side of the Malfoys from Dobby and Ludo Bagman's evil from a tearful Winky. As they leave, Dobby assures Harry of his visits, and Hermione hopes that other house-elves will follow Dobby's steps towards freedom and proper treatment.

chapter 22

While in a Transfiguration lesson, it is made known by Professor McGonagall that the Yule Ball is nearing and the Champions with their partners will have to initiate the dance. This means Harry has to find a partner, a task he dreads, similar to facing a Hungarian Horntail. Despite receiving many invitations from girls, Harry rejects them all, hoping to ask Cho. However, he procrastinates due to her constant entourage of giggly girls. In the meantime, Harry learns that Hagrid's interaction with Rita Skeeter is primarily about him. At this stage, the classes become more relaxed due to the festive mood, except for Hermione who insists on working hard. She advises Harry to crack the riddle of his egg clue, to which he responds carelessly. Everyone is getting ready for the ball, and Ron jokingly suggests that they might end up going with trolls if they don't find dates soon. This remark offends Hermione and she storms out of the room. The castle is beautifully adorned for Christmas, with the Great Hall sporting twelve trees. However, Harry and Ron have yet to find their dates. Harry finally musters the courage to ask Cho, only to find out apologetically that Cedric had already asked her. Ron's attempt to ask Fleur is futile too, as she completely disregards his question. Both boys are left dateless, pondering their options in the Gryffindor common room when Hermione enters. Ron impulsively proposes that she could accompany either of them, only to receive a sharp retort from Hermione stating that she already has a date. She also points out that Ron is late in realizing she is a girl. Hermione, much like Ginny Weasley, refrains from revealing their dates. Finally, Parvati Patil, a Gryffindor girl, enters the common room and agrees to be Harry's date and also arranges for her twin sister to accompany Ron.

chapter 23

As the anticipated Yule Ball nears, the Hogwarts students become increasingly excited. Hermione reveals to Harry that she had her teeth subtly resized after Malfoy mocks them. Christmas day sees Harry awoken by Dobby, who gifts him homemade socks. The students have a leisurely Christmas morning before embarking on a spirited snowball fight. Hermione departs early to ready herself for the ball. During the Yule Ball, Harry and his date, Parvati, share a table with the other champions, including Cedric and Cho, and also Krum who is accompanied by a stunning Hermione. Ron upsets his date by spending the night sulking and staring at Hermione, then accuses her of siding with the enemy. Percy Weasley is present at the ball, replacing an unwell Mr. Crouch. Fed up with Percy's company, Harry and Ron escape outside, leaving their disgruntled dates behind. They stumble upon Snape and Karkaroff involved in a cryptic conversation and later, come across Fleur and her date in a romantic embrace. Strangely, they also overhear Hagrid reveal to Madame Maxime that they share half-giant lineage, causing her to storm off in offense. During all this, Harry is distracted by a tiny black beetle buzzing about. Cedric offers Harry a piece of advice as they leave the ball, suggesting he listen to the egg while bathing and recommending the Prefect's bathroom. Upon reaching the Gryffindor common room, Harry finds Ron and Hermione in a heated argument, culminating in Hermione yelling, "Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"

chapter 24

Hermione brushes off Harry's revelation about Hagrid's half-giant heritage, pointing out the irrational fear of giants. Her interactions with Ron are strained. Hagrid's absence from Care of Magical Creatures is filled by Professor Grubbly-Plank who shows the girls a unicorn, while the boys, including Harry and Ron, struggle to participate. Malfoy flaunts Rita Skeeter's latest article that uncovers Hagrid's giantess mother, Fridwulfa, and criticizes Hagrid as a menacing, reckless educator. The trio are incensed but Hagrid does not respond to their attempts to reach him. During a Hogsmeade trip, Ludo Bagman, in the company of intimidating-looking goblins at the Three Broomsticks pub, hints at helping Harry with his egg, but Harry declines. Bagman shares that Mr. Crouch has ceased working. Rita Skeeter pops up, discussing an upcoming exposé on Bagman. The trio confront her about the disparaging article on Hagrid, leading to her snappish response, particularly towards Hermione. Skeeter's departure leaves Harry with a premonition that Hermione might be her next target. They rush to Hagrid's place, finding him comforted by Dumbledore. They coax Hagrid to resume teaching, which he accepts through tears. He then inquires about Harry's progress with his egg, nudging Harry to consider Cedric's advice, despite his wariness of Cedric's new closeness with Cho.

chapter 25

Cloaked in invisibility, Harry slips into the luxurious prefects' bathroom with the golden egg and the Marauder's Map. The bathroom is adorned with white marble walls, fluffy towels, a portrait of a slumbering mermaid, and a grand tub with sparkling jeweled taps spewing a variety of bubbles. As Harry settles into his bath, the ghost Moaning Myrtle arrives and offers a clue to open the egg underwater. Harry follows this advice and hears a melody instructing him to retrieve a lost item from the merpeople in the lake. However, on his invisible return to his room, he spots Bartemius Crouch in Snape's office on the map, causing him to stumble and drop the egg and map. The mischievous egg begins to wail, attracting the attention of Filch who blames the poltergeist, Peeves. Snape soon arrives, suspecting someone has been in his office. As the situation escalates, Moody appears, clearly able to see Harry under his invisibility cloak. Quickly understanding the situation, Moody takes control, snatching the egg and map, and sending Snape and Filch away. Once alone, Moody inquires about Snape's office visitor on the map, to which Harry reveals it's Mr. Crouch. This news seems to unsettle Moody, who comments on the recent strange events and borrows the map. As they retire for the night, Moody compliments Harry's sharp mind, encouraging him to consider a career as an Auror.

chapter 26

Harry shares his suspicions with Ron and Hermione about Moody and Mr. Crouch potentially supervising Karkaroff and Snape. He updates Sirius via a letter and provides the date for the next Hogsmeade trip. The trio struggles with figuring out how Harry could last underwater for an hour. Meanwhile, Hagrid resumes teaching, confident in Harry's ability to win the tournament. On the eve of the second task, Harry devotes his night to studying in the library in solitude as Ron and Hermione were called away by Professor McGonagall. Dobby awakes him ten minutes before the task, providing him a solution - a ball of gillyweed, which, as promised, allows Harry to breathe underwater. With no other choice, Harry hastily consumes the gillyweed and enters the water along with the other champions. Harry gains the ability to swim with ease as he grows gills. He discovers the mer-people's village at the lake's bottom where he spots Ron, Hermione, Cho, and Fleur's sister, all unconscious and bound together. He releases Ron and waits for the others to be rescued. Cedric and Krum save Cho and Hermione respectively, but Fleur never shows up. Harry wards off aggressive mer-people with his wand and saves both Ron and Fleur's sister. Although he surfaces last, he learns from a mermaid that he was the first to arrive but waited to ensure everyone else was safe. This earns him high scores from the judges. A thankful Fleur kisses both Ron and Harry, and Hermione doesn’t notice Krum removing a water-beetle from her hair as she's so focused on Harry. Harry plans to reward Dobby's help with numerous pairs of socks.

chapter 27

Following the second task, Ron is hailed as a hero and Harry gets invited to meet Sirius in Hogsmeade. During Potions, the Slytherins are entertained by Rita Skeeter's "Witch Weekly" article implying Hermione is playing with the affections of both Harry Potter and Viktor Krum. Hermione questions how Rita could've known certain details like Krum's invitation for her to visit Bulgaria. When they chat about it in class, Snape separates them as punishment. From his new spot, Harry hears part of a conversation between Snape and Karkaroff, who seems alarmed by something on his arm. Sirius, in his dog form, meets the trio in Hogsmeade and leads them to a cave where he's been hiding. They discuss who could've cast the Dark Mark at the World Cup, and Sirius shares some background on Mr. Crouch's history. Crouch was fierce in fighting Voldemort, and was lined up to be the next Minister of Magic until his son was found guilty as a Death-Eater. The son was quickly tried and sent to Azkaban, where he soon passed. Sirius believes that Crouch's desire to catch another Dark wizard is a bid to revive his ruined career. He finds it odd that Crouch had his elf save him a seat at the World Cup but never claimed it. Sirius suggests Ron reach out to Percy for more information about Crouch. The students then leave him.

chapter 28

Harry, Ron, and Hermione write to Percy the next day, then visit the kitchen to gift Dobby some socks as a token of gratitude for the gillyweed. The house-elves, excluding Winky who is desolate and drunk, are pleased to see them. Winky mumbles about her master needing her for his secret. Hermione, upset by Winky's condition, wants to improve her situation. They depart the kitchen with some food for Sirius. Hermione is bombarded with hate mail for allegedly breaking Harry's heart, while Hagrid instructs students on using nifflers, creatures that burrow for gold. Ron is embarrassed about his financial status when he discovers Leprechaun gold vanishes, and questions Harry about his Omnioculars debt. They ponder over Rita's sources, as bugging is impossible within Hogwarts. Post Easter, the champions are informed about their second task - a maze with obstacles and the Triwizard Cup in the middle. Krum privately approaches Harry to clarify if Hermione and he are a couple. Harry refutes, relieving Krum. Suddenly, a disheveled and delirious Mr. Crouch appears, muttering about the Dark Lord's increasing power, Jorkins's mishap, and his need to see Dumbledore. Leaving Crouch with Krum, Harry runs to get Dumbledore. Upon their return, they find a stunned Krum and Crouch missing. Hagrid and Moody appear, followed by a accusing Karkaroff. Hagrid escorts Harry back to his dorm, warning him about mingling with foreigners like Krum.

chapter 29

Following the assault on Krum by Mr. Crouch, Harry, Ron, and Hermione gather at the Owlery at the crack of dawn. They send information to Sirius while pondering on the peculiar incidents of the previous night. Fred and George join them, with a letter ready to send, and a conversation about blackmail underway. However, none of them discloses their motives. At a later time, the trio consults with Professor Moody, who finds it strange that Mr. Crouch was not on the Marauder's Map, considering his condition didn't seem to permit a swift escape. He cautions Harry to be extra vigilant. Shortly, Sirius' response arrives, echoing Moody's warning, pointing towards the presence of a dangerous individual at Hogwarts with potential ill intent towards Harry. He also urges Harry to thoroughly prepare for the third task, advice which Harry follows with the assistance of his friends. Days afterward, during Divination, Harry dozes off due to the heat and the monotonous buzz of an insect. He dreams of becoming an owl and flying into a house where Voldemort chastises Wormtail for an error. Voldemort mentions the death of an unidentified "he" and predicts Harry Potter's imminent death. He uses the Cruciatus curse on Wormtail, which jolts Harry awake, his scar throbbing and his screams filling the room. He heads straight to Dumbledore's office, where he hears Cornelius Fudge and Moody locked in a dispute with Dumbledore. Noticing Harry, Moody announces his presence.

chapter 30

While waiting in Dumbledore's office, Harry spots a peculiar basin with a silvery substance swirling inside. His curiosity leads him to touch it, and he's transported into a courtroom scenario. He sees familiar faces, including a younger Dumbledore, Moody, and Karkaroff, who is the one on trial. Karkaroff is offered freedom from Azkaban in return for naming Death Eaters, which he does, including Snape. Dumbledore defends Snape, revealing he turned against Voldemort to act as a spy. The scene shifts, with Ludo Bagman now in the hot seat, defending himself against accusations of aiding Voldemort's followers. The audience pardons him, seemingly due to his Quidditch fame. The scene changes again, unveiling Mr. Crouch's son being accused by his father of terrible crimes, including the torture of the Longbottoms. Mrs. Crouch cries as her son is sentenced to life in Azkaban. Suddenly, Dumbledore pulls Harry back into his office and explains the basin, known as a Pensieve, is a receptacle for surplus thoughts and memories. Harry shares his dream with Dumbledore, who believes it might be a warning of Voldemort's impending threat. Dumbledore suggests the recent disappearances of Bertha Jorkins, Mr. Crouch, and a Muggle, Frank Bryce, might be linked to Voldemort. Harry inquires whether the tortured Longbottoms were Neville's parents, which Dumbledore confirms, explaining they were well-liked Aurors driven mad by the Cruciatus curse and hence Neville's upbringing by his grandmother. Harry also questions whether Bagman or Snape have been implicated in any Dark activities since the trial, to which Dumbledore confidently states they have not, before wishing Harry well for the upcoming third task.

chapter 31

Harry shares his Pensieve experience with Ron and Hermione, omitting the information about Neville's parents. They spend time helping Harry practice spells in secluded classrooms. On the day of the third task, an article by Rita Skeeter suggesting Harry as troubled and potentially dangerous is circulated amongst the students. Puzzled by the in-depth knowledge of his Divination experience in the article, Hermione rushes off to the library with a sudden realization. Post breakfast, the families of the competitors gather to witness the final task. Bill and Mrs. Weasley visit to support Harry, who is led with the other champions to a giant maze that holds the trophy at its center. Harry and Cedric, who are tied for the lead, enter the maze first, followed by Krum and Fleur. Harry navigates through a relatively silent path, dealing with a disguised boggart and a mist that flips the world upside down. Upon hearing Fleur's scream and encountering a large, hostile Skrewt from Hagrid, he moves forward. He hears Krum casting a tormenting spell and saves Cedric from him by stunning Krum. Shaken but resolute, the two Hogwarts boys proceed further. Harry solves a riddle put forth by a sphinx, unveiling the Triwizard Cup ahead. A giant spider bars their path, which they defeat together, though Harry injures his leg. They resolve their dilemma of who should claim the Cup by deciding to touch it simultaneously, hence, both emerging as winners. However, they discover the Trophy is a portkey.

chapter 32

Harry and Cedric arrive in a chilling graveyard far from Hogwarts. A cloaked figure approaches them, holding what appears to be an infant. Suddenly, Harry's scar blazes with agony and a chilling voice orders, "Kill the spare." Another voice utters, "Avada Kedavra." Cedric dies on the spot. Paralyzed with shock, Harry watches as the mysterious figure, whom he recognizes as Wormtail, binds him to a gravestone marked 'Tom Riddle.' Harry observes as Wormtail prepares a large cauldron, placing a scaly, red, snake-faced bundle into the boiling water. Inwardly, Harry prays that the creature will not survive. Wormtail then commences a ritual, invoking the dust from Tom Riddle's grave to restore his son. After uttering "Flesh of the servant," he cuts off his right hand and tosses it into the cauldron. Lastly, he takes a sample of Harry's blood, adding "Blood of the enemy" to the brew. From the bubbling cauldron emerges a gaunt man. Harry instantly realizes Lord Voldemort has returned.

chapter 33

Harry observes Voldemort's new body and his interaction with Wormtail, who is marked with the Dark Mark. Voldemort openly reminisces about his father's abandonment and his mother's death during his birth, as hooded wizards gather around him. Voldemort addresses these wizards as his Death Eaters, expressing his disappointment in their betrayal during his time of need. One of them pleads for forgiveness, but Voldemort merely tortures him with the Cruciatus curse. Wormtail is rewarded with a new right hand for his loyalty, and Harry identifies one of the Death Eaters as Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy. Voldemort shares his plan to enlist the dementors of Azkaban and his imprisoned followers. He also mentions his faithful servant at Hogwarts, who is responsible for bringing Harry to him. Voldemort then recounts his past failures and survival strategies since his last meeting with the Death Eaters. He details his failed attempt to kill Harry due to the protective magic of Harry's mother's self-sacrifice. After the curse rebounded, he was forced to live in snakes in a distant forest. Voldemort then talks about his encounter with Quirrell, a future Hogwarts professor and his failed attempt to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. He expresses gratitude towards Wormtail, who returned to him when he was weak and introduced him to Bertha Jorkins. She provided him with information about a loyal Death Eater who assisted him in his return. Voldemort also reveals that using Harry’s blood for his revival has incorporated Harry's mother's protective charm within him. Finally, Voldemort tortures Harry with the Crucio curse and orders Wormtail to release Harry and return his wand.

chapter 34

Harry struggles to his feet with an injured leg, wand ready. Voldemort taunts him with an offer of a duel, but the only dueling spell Harry knows is "Expelliarmus." Unfazed, Voldemort subjects Harry to the torturous Cruciatus curse. Despite the intense pain, Harry stubbornly refuses to submit when Voldemort asks if he wants more. Even under the Imperius curse, Harry resists and doesn't give in to Voldemort's demand to say "no". Enraged, Voldemort attempts to hit him with the Cruciatus curse again, but Harry evades it. He decides to face death bravely, like his parents and Cedric. When Voldemort's "Avada Kedavra" clashes with Harry's "Expelliarmus," the resulting energy raises them into a glowing, dome-shaped light web. Harry hears phoenix music encouraging him to maintain the connection. He focuses on a light bead moving along the link between him and Voldemort, pushing it away from himself and towards Voldemort's wand. The extraordinary happens when the light bead touches Voldemort's wand. Shadows of a hand, Cedric, an old Muggle (Frank Bryce), Bertha Jorkins, and Harry's parents emerge. They surround Harry, urging him to hold on, and promise to delay Voldemort long enough for Harry to use the portkey and escape. Cedric requests Harry to bring his body back to his parents. Harry agrees and breaks the connection, making the light dome and phoenix music vanish. The shadows encircle Voldemort as Harry rushes to Cedric. In the nick of time, Harry uses the "Accio!" charm to summon the Triwizard Cup. Holding Cedric's body, he feels himself warping away, leaving behind Voldemort's enraged screams.

chapter 35

Harry is back at Hogwarts, dazed and holding onto Cedric, whose death is announced amidst panic. Dumbledore speaks to Cedric's grieving parents while Harry, under orders to stay put, is taken to the castle by Moody. In the office, Moody interrogates Harry about Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Harry reveals that there's a Death Eater within Hogwarts, to which Moody confesses it's him. Moody admits to putting Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire, sending the Dark Mark skyward, and manipulating the tournament for Harry to touch the Portkey Cup first. Moody discloses his strategies, such as guiding Hagrid to show Harry the dragons, giving Neville a book that included information about gillyweed hoping Harry would seek help, and mentioning gillyweed where Dobby could hear. He shares the details of his interference in the maze and his intentions to kill Harry. Before he can act, Dumbledore, along with Snape, and McGonagall, burst in and disarm Moody. Harry witnesses an enraged Dumbledore, and he begins to understand why Voldemort feared him. Dumbledore orders Snape to get Veritaserum and Winky, while instructing McGonagall to get a large, black dog. He then proceeds to reveal the stupefied Moody is an impostor by opening a trunk with seven locks, revealing the real Moody, unconscious and disheveled. In time, the impostor Moody transforms into a pale man, whom Harry recognizes as Mr. Crouch's son. Snape returns with Winky, who recognizes the impostor Moody as her "Master Barty." Under the influence of Veritaserum, Barty Crouch Jr. narrates his escape from Azkaban and how he lived under his father's watch, hidden via Polyjuice potion and an invisibility cloak. He explains his activities at the Quidditch World Cup and how he cast the Dark Mark. He also shares how Voldemort advised him to impersonate Moody and manipulate the tournament at Hogwarts. He details his kidnap of the real Moody, transformation into him using Polyjuice potion, and maintaining Moody's mannerisms. He also describes how Voldemort and Wormtail controlled his father through the Imperius Curse. He reveals the murder and transformation of his father, found on the Marauder's Map, into a bone which he buried. As Winky weeps, Barty finishes his story, excited about the honor he'll receive from Voldemort.

chapter 36

Dumbledore binds Barty Crouch, sends Moody for medical aid, and brings Harry to his office where Sirius is waiting. Despite his reluctance, Harry shares the night's events with them. Dumbledore clarifies that Harry's and Voldemort's wands, made from the same phoenix's feathers, couldn't combat properly and instead, they forced each other to replay their past spells. As Harry describes the shadows emerging from Voldemort's wand, Fawkes, the phoenix, heals Harry's injuries with its tears. Dumbledore praises Harry's courage and sends him to the infirmary with Sirius, in his canine form. There, the Weasleys await Harry but are instructed not to interrogate him. Madame Pomfrey provides him a potion ensuring dreamless sleep. Later, he's awakened by Cornelius Fudge and Professor McGonagall arguing. They're upset because Fudge allowed a dementor to kill Barty Crouch before he could be questioned. Fudge refuses to accept that Voldemort is back, even accusing Crouch of madness and Harry of having delusions. Dumbledore suggests taking protective measures against Voldemort's potential rise to power, but Fudge balks at the suggestions. A frustrated Dumbledore warns him that their paths must diverge if he won't act against Voldemort. Even Snape's revelation of his Dark Mark and its recent burning, an indication of Voldemort's return, fails to convince Fudge. Following a hasty departure, Fudge leaves Harry's prize money of a thousand galleons on his hospital bed. Dumbledore then rallies the Weasleys, Sirius, and Snape for the impending struggle. He tells Sirius to gather old allies and conveys a solemn message to Snape. Harry, left alone with the Weasleys, attempts to give them his winnings, but they decline. Overwhelmed, Harry almost breaks into tears before taking the remaining sleeping potion and relinquishing the tumultuous night.

chapter 37

After a sorrowful conversation with Cedric's grieving parents, Harry tries to give them his Triwizard Tournament winnings, but they refuse. In the following days, Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit Hagrid, who is back on good terms with Madame Maxime. He's planning to spend his summer on a secret task for Dumbledore. Hagrid shares his wisdom about facing whatever the future holds. At a school ceremony honoring Cedric, Dumbledore reveals that Voldemort killed Cedric, emphasizing Harry's bravery in returning Cedric's body. Dumbledore urges the students to remember the real value of the Triwizard Tournament, promoting magical cooperation and understanding, and to reflect on Cedric's unnecessary death as a warning against the dangers of Dark Magic. As the school year ends, students say their goodbyes and get ready to return to London on the Hogwarts Express. Ron gets an autograph from Krum. On the journey, Hermione reveals that she's captured Rita Skeeter, who had been eavesdropping on Hogwarts as a beetle, an illegal animagus. When Malfoy and his friends taunt Harry about joining Voldemort's losing side, they are swiftly dealt with by Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Fred and George. The twins then share their story about being paid in worthless Leprechaun gold by Ludo Bagman, who was financially troubled. When they reach London, Harry gives his Triwizard winnings to Fred and George for their joke shop and a new robe for Ron. They accept gratefully, and Harry heads back to his summer with the Dursleys.

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