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Mahatma Gandhi

36 Books Written by Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist. Wikipedia

36 Books Written by Mahatma Gandhi

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  • What are some notable books written by Mahatma Gandhi that I can find on your site?

    Most Recommended Books offers a variety of books written by Mahatma Gandhi, which include his well-known autobiography by gandhi titled "The Story of My Experiments with Truth," as well as other seminal works such as "Hind Swaraj" and "Key to Health." These books written by gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi - books, reflect Gandhi's thoughts on non-violent resistance, self-rule, and his personal philosophies. Reading Gandhi's books provides an opportunity to engage with the moral and ethical considerations that shaped his movements and philosophies.

  • Can you tell me more about gandhi's autobiography and its significance?

    Certainly! Gandhiji's autobiography, also known as Gandhiji's autobiography, is titled "The Story of My Experiments with Truth" and it chronicles the personal journey of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi. This book by gandhi offers an intimate look into Gandhi's pursuit of truth and the development of his nonviolent approach to political and social change. Gandhi's autobiography is a must-read for students of history, philosophy, and those interested in the life of the man who played a pivotal role in India's independence. The narrative within the autobiography of Gandhi reveals the profundity of his commitment to living a life based on principle and truth.

  • Are there any books available that were written by Mahatma Gandhi specifically for children?

    While Mahatma Gandhi's books generally address broader audiences and philosophical topics, his observations and teachings can appeal to readers of all ages, including children. Gandhi books like "The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism" and "Panchayat Raj" can provide young readers with insights into Gandhi's thoughts on ethical living and grassroots democracy. Although not specifically targeted at children, the simplicity and clarity with which gandhi wrote can resonate with younger minds curious about his life and ethos.

  • Was Gandhi the sole author of the books available on your site, or did he collaborate with others?

    Mahatma Gandhi is indeed the author of the books you'll find on our website. Books written by mahatma Gandhi represent his personal views and experiences, showcasing his profound influence as a leader and thinker. We have an extensive list of Gandhi's works that he authored independently, highlighting his unique perspective on various subjects. The philosophical books written by Gandhi, showcasing his commitment to the philosophy of peace and nonviolence, and they are all solely his own work.

  • How can I add books written by Mahatma to my cart on Most Recommended Books?

    To add books written by Mahatma to your cart, simply browse through our collection of Mahatma Gandhi's books, select the gandhi book you wish to purchase, and click on the link to add it to your Amazon cart. From there, you can proceed to checkout at your convenience. Gandhi's extensive bibliography offers a wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in his insights and teachings.

  • Are there any recent releases or compilations of Gandhi's writings that I might find of interest?

    Our website stays close to the latest news in book releases, and we include any new compilations of Gandhi's writings. For those following the works of Mahatma Gandhi, any recent compilations or books written by Mahatma Gandhi that reflect his timeless teachings will be available for you to find and link to on Amazon, ensuring you have the most up-to-date resources. Gandhi's influential ideas continue to find relevance, and the compilations can offer new perspectives on his enduring principles.

  • I'm interested in learning about Gandhi as an author. Can you recommend Gandhi's book that encapsulates his philosophy?

    If you're looking to delve into Gandhi's philosophy, his book "Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule," written by Mahatma Gandhi, is a profound text that captures his vision for India and his critique of modern civilization. This gandhiji's book by Gandhi, alongside Gandhi's autobiography, provides a deep understanding of Gandhi the man, the leader, and the visionary author. In these works by Gandhi, Gandhi's literary prowess is on full display, and readers are invited to explore the core beliefs that underpin his doctrine and strategy for societal change.