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Robert Jordan Books in Order (31 Book Series)

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Robert Jordan has written a series of 31 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 31 books


    • What are Robert Jordan books in the correct order, including all novels and related material?

      The Robert Jordan books in order refer primarily to his highly acclaimed "The Wheel of Time" series. This epic time series includes fourteen main novels along with a prequel and companion books. For those looking to read the Robert Jordan books in order, they would start with "The Eye of the World" and conclude with "A Memory of Light," the latter of which was completed by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan's passing.

    • Can I get the whole series of robert jordan books in order for my Kindle including all the robert jordan books?

      Yes, you can find the entire series in order for Kindle, which is quite an impressive set. This allows readers to enjoy the convenience of having the entire fantasy saga stored digitally, ready to read on their Kindle devices. You can find the Kindle versions linked on our website, ensuring that you have access to the full breadth of Robert Jordan’s work at your fingertips.

    • Who completed the Robert Jordan books series after the original author’s passing back in February?

      The series was completed by Brandon Sanderson, an accomplished fantasy author himself, after Robert Jordan passed away back in February 2006. Sanderson was chosen by Jordan's widow and editor, Harriet McDougal, because of his well-regarded work in the fantasy genre and his expressed admiration for Jordan’s series.

    • How does the book series relate to the TV adaptation in terms of order and storyline?

      The book series was adapted into a TV series that seeks to capture the expansive, rich detail of Robert Jordan’s fictional world. Fans of the books have been excited to see how the series translates onto the TV screen, hoping that the epic narrative and the characters, such as Rand, come to life faithfully from the page.

    • When was the last book of the series published?

      The last book of The Wheel of Time series, "A Memory of Light," was published in January 2013. This was the final installment of "The Wheel of Time" series, released posthumously after Robert Jordan's death and completed by Brandon Sanderson.