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Philip Pullman Books in Order (46 Book Series)

GalateaThe Haunted StormUsing the Oxford Junior Dictionary

Philip Pullman has written a series of 46 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 46 books
    1. 23


      Philip Pullman

    2. 26
      I Was a Rat!

      I Was a Rat!

      Philip Pullman

    3. 34
      Four Tales

      Four Tales

      Philip Pullman



    • What is the correct order of philip pullman books in order for reading, including all his books in order?

      To enjoy the full experience of philip pullman's books, it is recommended to read them in the order of their publication. This allows you to follow the progression of the story and the development of characters as intended by the author. You can find the novels in hardcover or kindle formats, and add them to your collection in the correct sequence.

    • Can you give me a list of all philip pullman books belonging to a series?

      Philip Pullman is best known for his "His Dark Materials" series, which is a must-read for fantasy fiction enthusiasts. To read the series, look up each book by its publication date to get the full impact of the narrative. You'll find not just reviews but also the option to acquire them on Amazon through our website.

    • How do I find the books authored by Philip Pullman in order for the "His Dark Materials" series?

      You can find the order of "His Dark Materials" books by searching for the series on our website, which will provide you with the publication sequence. We ensure that you can access the latest hardcover and kindle editions linked directly to Amazon, simplifying your process to read the series.

    • I'm new to philip pullman's work. Which book should I start with?

      To embark on the journey into Philip Pullman's imaginative world, begin with "Northern Lights" (also known as "The Golden Compass" in the US), the first novel in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy. You can easily find and add the book to your dark-themed reading list, and then proceed with the subsequent novels in the series.

    • Are there any standalone philip pullman books I should add to my list of dark fantasy materials?

      While Philip Pullman is known for his series, he has written standalone books as well. You can explore his different worlds by adding these individual novels to your reading list. Each book has its own unique storyline and offers a chance to appreciate the author's versatility beyond his popular series.

    • What genre do philip pullman's novels fall under?

      Philip Pullman's novels are primarily classified as fantasy fiction. They often delve into intricate worlds, blending magical elements with thought-provoking themes. Fans of the genre will find his books rewarding, with the capability to transport readers to an entirely different realm.

    • Does philip pullman write any graphic novels or is it all traditional fiction?

      Philip Pullman has indeed explored various storytelling formats, which include not only traditional fiction novels but also graphic novels. Fans of visual storytelling can look for his graphical works alongside his more well-known narrative-driven books, adding a different layer to their understanding of his creative world.