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Daphne du Maurier Books in Order (42 Book Series)

I'll Never Be Young AgainThe Loving SpiritJulius

Daphne du Maurier has written a series of 42 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 42 books
    1. 1
      The Loving Spirit

      The Loving Spirit

      Daphne du Maurier

    2. 3


      Daphne du Maurier

    3. 4


      Daphne du Maurier

    4. 5
      Jamaica Inn

      Jamaica Inn

      Daphne du Maurier

    5. 6
      The Du Mauriers

      The Du Mauriers

      Daphne du Maurier

    6. 7


      Daphne du Maurier

    7. 8
      Castle D'or

      Castle D'or

      Daphne du Maurier

    8. 10
      Frenchman's Creek

      Frenchman's Creek

      Daphne du Maurier

    9. 11
      Hungry Hill

      Hungry Hill

      Daphne du Maurier

    10. 13
      The Parasites

      The Parasites

      Daphne du Maurier

    11. 14
      My Cousin Rachel

      My Cousin Rachel

      Daphne du Maurier

    12. 18
      Happy Christmas

      Happy Christmas

      Daphne du Maurier

    13. 20
      Early Stories

      Early Stories

      Daphne du Maurier

    14. 21
      Mary Anne

      Mary Anne

      Daphne du Maurier

    15. 22
      The Scapegoat

      The Scapegoat

      Daphne du Maurier

    16. 26
      The Glass-Blowers

      The Glass-Blowers

      Daphne du Maurier

    17. 30
      Don't Look Now

      Don't Look Now

      Daphne du Maurier

    18. 32
      Rule Britannia

      Rule Britannia

      Daphne du Maurier



    • Can I find a list of daphne du maurier books in order on your site, including novels in order?

      Yes, you can find daphne du maurier's books in order on our site. We have a comprehensive list that fans of the author daphne du maurier can follow to read her work chronologically. Simply search for her name on our website, and you'll find all her classic novels listed like the stars in the sky, each shining with its own light, in the ordered list. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide pictures of the book covers, but the textual details are comprehensive.

    • I'm new to author daphne du maurier books. Where should I start with her novels in order to get a feel for her writing?

      For newcomers to daphne du maurier, we often suggest beginning with her most popular novels, such as "Rebecca" or "Jamaica Inn". Maurier wrote gripping stories that blend romance, mystery, and gothic elements, making them great introductions to her work. She herself was a master storyteller, a woman who wove compelling narratives that have stood the test of time.

    • What was the first of the maurier books in terms of publication order?

      Daphne du Maurier's first novel was "The Loving Spirit," published in 1931. It set the tone for many of maurier's subsequent stories which often contain elements of gothic romance and psychological thriller. This book remains a foundational piece for all fans who wish to explore the author's development and thematic interests.

    • Are all of daphne's novels available in kindle format as well as traditional book formats?

      Yes, most of daphne's novels are available in Kindle format, in addition to traditional print. This option provides an easy way to add her works to your collection and immerse yourself in her captivating stories with the convenience of a digital copy, or even hold the weight of her paper-bound stories like holding a hand of cards, full of secrets yet to be revealed.

    • Can I purchase daphne du maurier's novels in a boxed set, or should I look for each book individually?

      Currently, we are unable to sell books directly, including boxed sets, but we link to Amazon where you can check for any available collections of her novels. These sets, if available, often feature her most celebrated tales and can be a great addition, or even a gift, for any fan or collector of the author's work.

    • Do you have recommendations for daphne du maurier novels for fans of ghost stories or thirty-fourteen tales of suspense?

      If you're a fan of ghost stories, you will certainly enjoy "The House on the Strand" or her short story collections, which includes haunting and chilling tales. Author daphne has a knack for ghostly fiction that will keep you enthralled, and her short story collection "The Birds and Other Stories" features fourteen tales that are sure to satisfy your craving for the supernatural.

    • I'm looking for daphne du maurier's books, but I'm also interested in diversifying - does she have any series or comics adaptations that might vary from her classic book offerings?

      While daphne du maurier is predominantly known for her standalone novels, she unfortunately has not written any series or comics adaptations of her works. However, some of her books, like "Rebecca", have been continued by other authors in later years or adapted into graphic novels or other formats by other creators for those seeking different mediums that still encapsulate the essence of her storytelling.