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Beatrix Potter Books in Order (26 Book Series)

The Tailor of GloucesterThe Tale of Peter RabbitThe Tale Of Squirrel Nutkin

Beatrix Potter has written a series of 26 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 26 books


    • What is the first Beatrix Potter book I should add to my cart?

      If you are looking to start with the first book in Potter's children's series, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" should be the initial one to add to your cart. This book established the world of Peter Rabbit and has been cherished by readers for over a century.

    • Are all of Potter's books available for purchase on Amazon?

      Yes, all of Beatrix's work is available on Amazon. You can find both individual titles and complete collections, which are often accompanied by enriching reviews from readers across the globe.

    • Can I find a list of Potter’s books in chronological order?

      Absolutely, our website provides a comprehensive list of Potter's books organized in their published order to ensure you can enjoy the development of the series as originally intended.

    • I'm looking to shop for a Beatrix Potter book as a gift, which one is the most popular?

      "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" remains the most popular and recognized book by Beatrix Potter and makes for a charming gift for any child. Its enduring legacy makes it a treasure on any bookshelf.

    • Do you offer the option to preview a Beatrix Potter book before purchasing?

      Although we do not sell books directly, we provide links to Amazon where you can typically read a sample of the book. This way, you can get a sense of the story and illustrations before making a purchase.

    • Is there a way to find books by Beatrix that were set in London?

      Yes, you can delve into "The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse," which is one of the few Beatrix Potter books with a part of the story set in London, giving readers a delightful contrast with the rural settings typically found in her other tales.

    • Where can I find reviews of the Beatrix Potter series to decide which book to read next?

      On our site, each book link directed to Amazon includes user reviews that can help you decide which Beatrix Potter book to read next. These reviews can be invaluable in guiding you through her enchanting world.