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Andrew Mayne Books in Order (26 Book Series)

Public Enemy ZeroThe Language BookThe Grendel's Shadow

Andrew Mayne has written a series of 26 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 26 books


    • What are some popular Andrew Mayne books?

      Many readers enjoy a range of Andrew Mayne books, known for their engaging plots and captivating characters. Some of his popular titles include "The Naturalist," "Looking Glass," and "Murder Theory." These books feature a mix of mystery and thriller elements that have been widely read and praised.

    • Can I find Mayne books across different genres on your site?

      Yes, Andrew Mayne is a prolific author whose works span across multiple genres. You can find his fiction in the thriller, mystery, and even science fiction categories. We provide links to all his available books on Amazon, whether you’re looking for kindle or paperback editions.

    • I'm interested in reading Andrew Mayne's books that feature artificial intelligence. Which ones would you recommend?

      For those interested in fiction involving artificial intelligence, "The Girl Beneath the Sea" is an excellent read. It’s one of Andrew Mayne’s thriller novels that weave in elements of technology. We feature a link to its Amazon page for both the Kindle and paperback versions.

    • Could you guide me on how to find Andrew Mayne books in the proper order to read?

      Certainly! To fully enjoy the continuity of a series, it's best to read the books in order. For Andrew Mayne’s series, we recommend starting with the first publication and progressing as released. You can find the proper order listed on our author pages, with convenient links to Amazon for each title.

    • Is the author of Andrew Mayne books also a writer for other media?

      Yes, Andrew Mayne is not only an author of books but has also written for television. His diverse writing portfolio includes a variety of thrilling narratives that have been adapted into different formats. You can find his books on our site with easy access to their Amazon pages.

    • What is the newest Andrew Mayne publication available for purchase?

      The most recent publication by Andrew Mayne is available on Amazon, and you can easily click through our links to purchase it in Kindle or paperback format. Check our New Releases section for the latest updates on his books.

    • Are there any Andrew Mayne books geared towards readers who are fans of fiction that involves a thrilling plotline?

      Yes, Andrew Mayne is known for his attention-grabbing thriller fiction that keeps readers on the edge of their seat. We provide access to various titles fitting this description, all available in both Kindle and paperback editions on Amazon for your reading pleasure.