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Adrian Mole Books in Order (8 Book Series)

The Growing Pains of Adrian MoleThe Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4The True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole

Adrian Mole is a series of 8 books written by Sue Townsend. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 8 books


    • Can you list Sue Townsend’s books about Adrian Mole in the recommended reading order?

      Absolutely! To experience the full journey of the character, you should follow the chronological order in which the series was published. The menu of the Adrian Mole collection by Sue Townsend begins with "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾" and progresses through to "Adrian Mole: The Prostrate Years". A complete listing is available on our site with convenient links to Amazon for each book.

    • What book by Sue Townsend should I start with to meet Adrian Mole?

      For those new to the series, the first book to begin with is "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾". This introduces you to the life and quirks of Adrian Mole and sets the stage for the subsequent books.

    • How many books are in the Adrian Mole series by Sue Townsend?

      Sue Townsend has written a total of eight books in the Adrian Mole series. From his early teenage years into adulthood, the books cover various periods of Adrian’s life, offering a humorous and poignant look at his experiences.

    • Is there a particular order in which to read the books by Sue Townsend featuring Adrian Mole?

      Yes, there is a recommended order which follows the character development and the progression of the story. On our menu, you can find the arrangement starting with the first book and continuing sequentially to the last installment.

    • Does Most Recommended Books sell Sue Townsend's books directly?

      While we don't directly sell books, we do provide links to where each book can be purchased on Amazon. Our aim is to guide readers to the books they’re looking for with ease.

    • Can I find the latest Sue Townsend book about Adrian Mole on your site?

      Yes, you can find the latest and all other books in the Adrian Mole series by Sue Townsend on our site. We ensure that readers have the most up-to-date information and access to purchase the books through Amazon.

    • Will I miss out if I skip a book in the Sue Townsend menu of the series?

      To get the most out of Sue's storytelling and to understand the full development of Adrian Mole's character, it is best to read the books in order. Each book builds off events and character growth from the previous one, delivering a more complete and enjoyable reading experience.