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Phillip Margolin Books in Order (28 Book Series)

The Last Innocent ManHeartstoneGone, But Not Forgotten

Phillip Margolin has written a series of 28 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 28 books
    1. 1


      Phillip Margolin

    2. 10
      Sleeping Beauty

      Sleeping Beauty

      Phillip Margolin

    3. 11
      Lost Lake

      Lost Lake

      Phillip Margolin

    4. 17
      Vanishing Acts

      Vanishing Acts

      Phillip Margolin



    • Can I find Phillip Margolin books in order on your website?

      Yes, our website has a detailed listing of Phillip Margolin books in chronological order, making it easy for you to follow the progression of his novels. You can add these books to your collection in various formats, including hardcover and Kindle editions, through the links we provide to Amazon.

    • I'm looking for quick Phillip Margolin books. Where can I start?

      If you're new to Phillip Margolin's work, we recommend starting with his earlier books and working your way forward. On our website, you'll find his thrillers listed alongside suggestions for quick reading order, and you can then conveniently add them to your cart on Amazon.

    • What is the latest novel from Phillip Margolin?

      Phillip Margolin's most recent book at the time of our knowledge cutoff is part of the popular Robin Lockwood series. Stay updated with our website for the latest releases as well as Margolin's earlier works, all of which are available for purchase on Amazon.

    • Does Phillip Margolin have a series of books that features Robin Lockwood?

      Indeed, Phillip Margolin has penned the successful Robin Lockwood series, which is a captivating set of legal thrillers set in Oregon. It follows the cases of a young and brilliant attorney named Robin Lockwood.

    • How many books are in the Phillip Margolin Robin Lockwood series?

      As of our last update, check our website to find the number of books in the Robin Lockwood series by Phillip Margolin. We ensure this information is timely so you can get the newest additions for your ongoing reading pleasure.

    • I want to order a Phillip Margolin book as a gift. Which one do you suggest?

      Selecting a Phillip Margolin book as a gift is a great idea for thriller and mystery enthusiasts. If the person you're buying for enjoys stories involving law and courtroom drama, any of Margolin's Robin Lockwood novels would make an exceptional gift. The first book of the series would be a thoughtful place to start their collection.

    • Are there any stand-alone Phillip Margolin novels by this author I should read?

      Phillip Margolin, the celebrated author, has written several stand-alone novels that offer gripping plots for readers who enjoy thrillers. These books often explore different facets of the law and provide quick, immersive reads for those who might not be ready to commit to a series just yet. Explore our listings to choose the perfect stand-alone Margolin book.