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Patricia Cornwell Books in Order (44 Book Series)

Body of EvidencePostmortemAll That Remains

Patricia Cornwell has written a series of 44 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 44 books


    • What is the complete series order of Patricia Cornwell books in order?

      The complete list of Patricia Cornwell's books, especially the popular Scarpetta book series, can be followed in publication order, starting with "Postmortem" and continuing through to the latest release. You can find the entire author's list in publication order on our website, ensuring you can enjoy the thrillers from the very beginning.

    • Can I find a chronological list of Patricia Cornwell's book series in order on your site?

      Yes, our site provides a chronological list of Patricia Cornwell book series in publication order. This allows readers to follow the progression of Patricia Cornwell's storytelling and character development seamlessly.

    • Are the books in order necessary to follow the Kay Scarpetta series order?

      While each Patricia Cornwell book can stand alone, it is recommended to read the Scarpetta series in publication order to get the top experience of the character arcs and overarching plotlines, including those of the protagonist Kay Scarpetta and her niece Lucy.

    • What is the latest author Patricia Cornwell book in the Kay Scarpetta series?

      The latest book in the Scarpetta book series order, as of our most recent update, can be found featured at the top of our Kay Scarpetta series page. Patricia Cornwell continues to deliver gripping tales featuring the iconic medical examiner.

    • Can I only find Patricia Cornwell books in hardcover, or are they available in other formats like Kindle?

      Patricia Cornwell's novels are available in multiple formats including Kindle and hardcover on Amazon. Whether you enjoy traditional reading in New York or prefer digital, we link to options to suit your reading preference in any location including York.

    • What if I start a Patricia Cornwell book and am unable to finish it?

      If you start a Patricia Cornwell thriller and are unable to finish it, Amazon offers features like bookmarking and notes for Kindle users, which makes it easier to return to reading whenever you're ready.

    • How often does Patricia Cornwell release new books in her series with updates provided on the menu?

      Patricia Cornwell releases new crime novels in her series periodically. The time between new publications may vary, so keep an eye on our menu for the latest updates to ensure you don't miss any new adventures featuring Kay and Lucy.