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Edgar Rice Burroughs Books in Order (80 Book Series)

Tarzan of the ApesA Princess of MarsThe Gods of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs has written a series of 80 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 80 books
    1. 4
      The Monster Men

      The Monster Men

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    2. 10
      The Outlaw of Torn

      The Outlaw of Torn

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    3. 15
      The Lost Continent

      The Lost Continent

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    4. 19
      The Lad and The Lion

      The Lad and The Lion

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    5. 24
      The Rider

      The Rider

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    6. 28
      The Efficiency Expert

      The Efficiency Expert

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    7. 36
      The Cave Girl

      The Cave Girl

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    8. 76
      I Am a Barbarian

      I Am a Barbarian

      Edgar Rice Burroughs

    9. 79
      The Cave Man

      The Cave Man

      Edgar Rice Burroughs



    • Can you provide a list of Edgar Rice Burroughs books in order?

      Yes, we can provide a list of Edgar Rice Burroughs books in their publication order, especially for his series like Tarzan and Barsoom (John Carter of Mars). For a comprehensive list of his books in order of publication, simply check out the dedicated sections on our website, where we link to these catalogs on Amazon for easy access.

    • Who is Edgar Rice Burroughs and why are his books significant?

      Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author renowned for his adventurous and vibrant fiction. His creation of iconic characters like Tarzan and John Carter has had a profound impact on the genres of science fiction and fantasy, influencing many subsequent writers and leaving a lasting legacy on popular culture.

    • I've finished reading the first book in one of the Edgar Rice series; how can I find the next book in order?

      If you've enjoyed the first book and are eager to continue the series in the correct order, simply search for the series name on our website. You'll find a curated list with each book organized sequentially. We aim to make it easy for readers to follow their beloved characters' journeys without missing a beat.

    • Does Edgar Rice Burroughs have any standalone books, or did he only write series?

      In addition to his popular series, Burroughs also wrote standalone novels. While he's most famous for his series work, his standalone books also showcase his strong storytelling abilities and are well worth reading.

    • What kind of fiction did Edgar Rice Burroughs primarily write?

      Edgar Rice Burroughs was primarily associated with adventure, science fiction, and fantasy fiction. His stories often featured exotic settings, thrilling exploits, and larger-than-life characters, which have captivated readers for over a century.

    • As an author, did Burroughs have a typical writing style or themes he preferred?

      As an author, Burroughs had a vivid and straightforward style that was suitable for the action-packed and escapist themes he preferred. His books often revolved around heroism, exploration, and the clash between civilization and the untamed wilderness.

    • Are the Edgar Rice Burroughs book series suitable for readers of all ages?

      Yes, the Edgar Rice Burroughs book series are generally appropriate for readers of various ages. His stories are timeless adventures that can be enjoyed by both young adult and adult audiences. The themes of heroism, adventure, and fantasy in his books have universal appeal.