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Biggles Books in Order (108 Book Series)

Biggles and the Cruise of the CondorBiggles The Camels Are ComingBiggles of the Fighter Squadron

Biggles is a series of 108 books written by Captain WE Johns. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

    Total: 108 books


    • What is the correct sequence to read the adventures of James Bigglesworth?

      To fully enjoy the thrilling escapades of James Bigglesworth, it's recommended to read the publications in their chronological release. Keep an eye on our listings, as we always aim to present the sequence as accurately as possible. We link to the relevant Amazon pages where you can find more details about each installment.

    • Where can I find reviews and opinions on the different titles featuring the famous fictional aviator?

      We understand how valuable readers' opinions are, and we feature a section for reader feedback and expert reviews on each individual title's listing. Navigate to our menu and select the book you're interested in to read what others have to say.

    • Can you tell me a bit about the story of the narrative of these popular flying adventures?

      Absolutely! The story follows the daring air pilot James Bigglesworth, known as Biggles, through various historical periods, including World War I and II, peacetime adventures, and cold war missions. The narrative provides not just action-packed flying escapades but also showcases the evolution of aviation.

    • Are there any concise short tales within this famous collection of flying narratives?

      Yes, besides the full-length novels, there are several compilations of short stories that feature Biggles and his comrades' quick but just as adventurous missions. These compilations are ideal for readers who prefer a shorter read but still crave the excitement of Biggles's world.

    • How can I navigate through the extensive number of titles about this iconic aviator via the website menu?

      On our website's menu, you'll find a dedicated section for this celebrated pilot's adventures with the titles arranged for your convenience. We update our listings regularly to ensure avid readers like you can easily navigate through the extensive selections.

    • What if I prefer to read customer opinions before selecting a book?

      In each listing on our website, we facilitate easy access to Amazon, where numerous customer reviews are available. By reading through these reviews, you can make an informed decision on which adventurous tale to dive into next.

    • Are the titles featuring this ace pilot suitable for young readers?

      Many of the adventures have been loved by generations of young readers. While some storylines may reflect dated attitudes or language from when they were written, they still capture the imagination with tales of bravery, camaraderie, and the pioneering days of aviation. Parents or guardians might want to read reviews or preview books for any content they feel might need discussion with younger readers.